
Interpersonal Edge: Getting ‘stupid’ employees to execute simple instructions


By Dr. Daneen Skube

Tribune Media Services
 Q. I was just promoted into management and am shocked at how stupid my employees can be. I give them directions and then they do 18 things I didn’t want. I’m getting really frustrated and curt with them. How do I make sure they do tasks the way I want them done?

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Interpersonal Edge: How to tell you’re working with a narcissist


By Dr. Daneen Skube

Tribune Media Services
  Q. One of my resolutions this year is to be a better judge of character of those I work with. I’m often unpleasantly surprised by the bad behavior of bosses, employees and customers. Since you are a people skills expert, I wanted to know if there was one emotional quality you look for in people?

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Interpersonal Edge: Help coworker choose diversity, not soap box

 By Dr. Daneen Skube

Tribune Media Services
 Q. I work with somebody who is a strict vegan. Not a problem except that when we have a party, go out to lunch with customers, or eat in the break room, she gives us judgmental looks and comments about meat. I don’t mind her making a choice for herself, but the disapproving glares and remarks are super annoying. How can I get her to stop?

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Interpersonal Edge: Steer clear of “dragon” wars at work

  By Dr. Daneen Skube

Tribune Media Services
 Q. I have a new job that I love. My boss just took me aside and told me there was a female manager who thinks I dress inappropriately and don’t do my job well. I can tell she doesn’t like this woman one bit. I want to take feedback well, but I’m not sure what to do. I’m also concerned I could end up being in the middle of fight they are already having. How do I navigate this? 


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Interpersonal Edge: Helping employee understand the meaning of ‘no’


By Dr. Daneen Skube
Tribune Media Services
 Q. I have an employee that treats “no” as little more than a speed bump. He just goes faster and pretends I didn’t say anything. Also, if I give him an inch on any policy, he figures the policy doesn’t even apply. I have had repeated conversations where I point out the rules; he smiles and then does what he damn pleases. How do I get him to toe the line?

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Interpersonal Edge: Get the credit you deserve

By Dr. Daneen Skube
Tribune Media Services
 Q.  When my boss asks for ideas, I find I will often state a good idea, it will get talked over, and then someone says the same thing and takes the credit. Is there a way I diplomatically can point out that I said it first?

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Interpersonal Edge: Just say no to hiring personality problems

By Dr. Daneen Skube
Tribune Media Services
Q. I recently hired a guy who is very smart, but I knew he was really self-absorbed and entitled. I thought his resume and skill set would be worth his demanding attitude. I’m finding that he is pawning projects off on coworkers, lying to me about what he has done, and blaming everyone but himself for problems. What can I do now, and how can I avoid this in the future? 

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Interpersonal Edge: Make verbal abuser accountable

By Dr. Daneen Skube
Tribune Media Services
  Q. I have a coworker who is constantly verbally abusive. He calls me names, yells and puts my work down. I have to work with this guy a lot, and I’m ending up calling in sick just to avoid him. When I go to my boss, she just tells me to work harder at “getting along,” like it is my fault. I like my job but can’t tolerate my coworker. What can I do?

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Interpersonal Edge: Flying off handle won’t create change

By Dr. Daneen Skube
Tribune Media Services
  Q. I am one that flies off the handle and there is a big reason I do. I’m interrupted so much that when I am trying to speak, if someone doesn’t interrupt me, I actually stutter. I’ve spoken up and it still happens. Any suggestions? I’m starting to hate my fellow human beings! 

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Hope Still Out for Older Job Seekers


By Rick Garcia
After receiving my first AARP membership in the mail, I knew I would soon belong to a membership that can not be avoided – Being a Senior Citizen.

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