
Retire Smart: Drowning in documents: What to shred, what to keep


By Jill Schlesinger
Tribune Media Services
You probably just received some bank, investment or retirement quarterly statements in the mail, which makes it a perfect time to fire up the shredder and organize that stack of documents piling up on the table. 
  Here are some thoughts on financial paperwork that you can toss:

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Interpersonal Edge: Brilliant interview questions for hires


  By Dr. Daneen Skube

Tribune Media Services
 Q. I am being asked to do more and more hiring of new employees for my team. We have a standard set of interview questions, but people don’t always tell the truth. Especially when it comes to interpersonal skills, I have trouble screening for quality people. Are there any brilliant interview questions that reveal the personality I’m about to hire?

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Interpersonal Edge: Fix workplace burnout

By Dr. Daneen Skube
Tribune Media Services
 Q. My company has been in crisis mode for about three years now, and I am thoroughly burned out. I don’t want to be seen as lazy, but I need a break, vacation and some life balance. At first, I was productive with the long hours, but now I make repeated stupid mistakes. How can I convince my manager breaks are good for productivity?

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Interpersonal Edge: Speak up if you want gratitude

By Dr. Daneen Skube
Tribune Media Services
 Q. No one seems to be noticing all the good work I have done. I am very good at my job, tackle the hard projects, and even help out when my coworkers are swamped. Do I just work for an unusually ungrateful organization?

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Interpersonal Edge: End the gravy train for ‘special’ employee

By Dr. Daneen Skube
Tribune Media Services
Q. I have an employee on my team who is charming and always trying to get me to give him extra goodies. He wants extra time with me, special treatment or for me to bend the rules for him. I’m exhausted trying to manage him. How do I let him know his gravy train is over?

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Interpersonal Edge: Stop workplace drama queens

By Dr. Daneen Skube
Tribune Media Services
 Q. I am so tired of the personal drama in my workplace. It seems like a lot of my coworkers constantly search out any reason to go on and on about what is unfair, or how people are mean, or they never get what they deserve. Honestly, I’m fine with problem-solving but sick of hysteria. Is there a way to get coworkers to focus on solutions?

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Interpersonal Edge: Getting What You Want at Work!

By Dr. Daneen Skube
Tribune Media Services
 Q. I notice there are two schools of thought about getting ahead at work: the altruistic (if you help others, you’ll get good things) and the aggressive (go ahead and run people over if it gets you what you want). Neither of these approaches seem right to me. Is there any other alternative?

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Interpersonal Edge: Learn better ways to deliver bad news to coworkers

By Dr. Daneen Skube
Tribune Media Services
  Q. Sometimes, in my job, I have to say things that make people mad. You often talk about how to be diplomatic with coworkers. Is there a way to deliver bad news that doesn’t annoy people?

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Interpersonal Edge: Want a promotion? Make mistakes

By Dr. Daneen Skube
Tribune Media Services
  Q. I have a job where the same thing never happens twice. I end up making a lot of mistakes. My boss says mistakes are just part of the learning curve, but I get so upset I shake when I realize I messed up. How can I develop more self-confidence?

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Interpersonal Edge: Fixing rejection at the office

By Dr. Daneen Skube
Tribune Media Services
  Q. I’m the one at work no one likes. I’m the one that’s hard to get along with, yet I am always respectful and nice to everyone. I am not a gossiper. This has been going on my whole work life. Within one to two weeks of starting a new job, it feels as though whatever “test” I have been given, I failed. And anything after that is just people putting up with me because I’m very good at what I do. Any advice?

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