
Interpersonal EDGE: Is Job Loyalty for Better or Worse?

By Dr. Daneen Skube
Tribune Media Services

Q. I have worked for my company for 10 years, and the manager I loved just retired. The guy that took his place is a jerk! I feel disloyal, because even though my company has been good to me, I’m flirting heavily with the idea of leaving. Should I stay or should I go?

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Interpersonal EDGE: Management Strategies for Generation Tech Obsessed

By Dr. Daneen Skube
Tribune Media Services

Q. I supervise a number of younger workers. They seem to have grown an appendage for texting on their cell phones and have the attention span of a gnat. How do I motivate them to focus on their jobs?

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On the Road with MoJo Table-for-Two Reviews: FRAN’S HAMBURGERS


1822 South Congress
Austin, TX 78704
Price Range: 
$5.95 – $10.95 
Traditional diner atmosphere with friendly customer service
[Mo:]  When you think about old school, traditional burger join
ts, what thoughts come to your mind?

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Interpersonal EDGE: Become a Wizard of Multitasking!

Q. All the managers in my company are being asked to do more with less. Most days I just feel like tearing my hair out! Do you have any suggestions about multi-tasking especially when you manage people?

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Interpersonal EDGE: Get Even by Doing Well

 By Dr. Daneen Skube

Tribune Media Services
Q. I ended up getting squeezed out of my last job by an underhanded coworker and a malicious boss. I have to admit that revenge fantasies are consuming most of my time, even though I found a better job. How do I handle wanting to get even?

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Interpersonal EDGE: Workplace Suffering Can Result in Enlightenment

By Dr. Daneen Skube
Tribune Media Services

Q. There are so many things wrong with my current job that it would take a book to list them all. I know a lot of people these days are saying it is good for my peace of mind and spiritual development to be in the now. How do you “be in the now” when reality sucks?

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Interpersonal EDGE: Sexual Tension Complicates Workplace

 Q. I work with a guy and can tell we are both extremely attracted to each other. We are both married and I don’t want an affair. How do I handle the sexual tension?

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Interpersonal EDGE: Fixes for Soured Workplace Friendship

Q. I’ve been buddies for a couple of years with a coworker. I think she’s avoiding me. I consider her a good friend and want to fix the problem. What’s the best way to mend the rift?

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Interpersonal EDGE: Is Rage Over Political Correctness PC?

 Q. I used a common phrase around a female coworker and was immediately attacked for being sexist. I didn’t know this phrase was offensive to her. I’m an older white guy and becoming paranoid about opening my mouth. How do I deal with a workplace that is increasingly politically correct?

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Interpersonal EDGE: Co-workers’ War Wrecking Productivity? Here a Plan!

By Dr. Daneen Skube

Tribune Media Services
Q. I’m working with a team composed of people from different departments assigned to implement a new program. Two individuals seem more interested in fighting with each other than getting the job done. Nobody wants to get in the middle. Ideas?

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