
AboutThatCar: 2021 Volvo V90 T6 AWD Inscription

By Frank S. Washington

DETROIT, MI – It is hard to improve a top-notch vehicle, but Volvo managed to do just that. We’re talking about the Volvo V90. To be specific, the T6 AWD Inscription.


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Interpersonal Edge: How to look for effective help during social isolation

By Dr. Daneen Skube
Tribune Content Agency

Q: I was reading that depression and anxiety have gone through the roof and I can relate. I'm not just socially isolated but feel my mental health and functioning deteriorating. At least I have a remote job but I feel my problem solving at work is poor and my irritability is constant. How can I get practical help and still be safe from the virus?

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Interpersonal Edge: Leave victimhood behind

By Dr. Daneen Skube
Tribune Content Agency

Q: I've been trying to put out a million fires since the pandemic began and have no gas in my tank. I feel so guilty when people ask me to help and I don't pitch in. But, I'm not sleeping or eating well, and working ridiculous hours. How can I say no without feeling guilty?

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Interpersonal Edge: Fixing the trauma caused by 2020

By Dr. Daneen Skube
Tribune Content Agency

Q: As I go into 2021 I don't know whether to duck or look forward to a better experience. I want to be optimistic but feel like I've got Post-Traumatic Syndrome Disorder (PTSD) from 2020. Is it possible for a global crisis to give you PTSD as an adult and if so how are you suggesting your clients cope with the emotional trauma?

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Interpersonal Edge: Brighter days ahead

By Dr. Daneen Skube
Tribune Content Agency

Q: I feel so relieved that we actually have a vaccine and that it's coming our way to help us create herd immunity and get our work and lives back on track. Am I a fool for feeling and thinking optimistically that we have brighter days ahead?

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Interpersonal Edge: The power of preferences

By Dr. Daneen Skube
Tribune Content Agency

Q: I had reached the end of my rope with this pandemic three months ago and know we're not at the end yet. What tools or strategies do you teach clients to stay productive when your get up and go has got up and left?

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Inclusion: It’s Everyone’s Responsibility

 By Tedi Parsons

2020 has surely been a year of total disruption, from the pandemic, to a tumultuous election to over 190 people of color killed by the police to the thousands of protests for equality and inclusion taking place around the world.  No matter who you are, the faith you practice or your political affiliation, the one thing we know for sure is that full inclusion requires ALL of us at the table.  

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Interpersonal Edge: Relief at last

 By Dr. Daneen Skube

Tribune Content Agency
Q: I keep reading about pandemic fatigue and I've got it! The future looks like a dark difficult slog. When you look at our current social, economic, and political circumstances how optimistic do you feel about us turning any corners?

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Interpersonal Edge: Dancing in quicksand

 By Dr. Daneen Skube

Tribune Content Agency
Q : I keep going into work thinking I'll find solid ground in either others or my company and instead feel like I'm dancing in quicksand. There's so much going on I feel like I'm barely dealing with the same workplace I left the night before. With all the shifting sands what do you teach to help your clients cope?

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Interpersonal Edge: High tech and high touch


By Dr. Daneen Skube

Tribune Content Agency
Q: I fought for years to work from home and now I have to work from home. I'm glad remote work is acceptable but struggling with how to do the interpersonal stuff when home alone. Do you have ideas you are teaching clients on working remotely?


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