
Interpersonal Edge: Balancing grief and work


By Dr. Daneen Skube

Tribune Content Agency
  Q. My wife died very recently, and I am now a single parent of young kids. I have to admit my attention at work is greatly diminished. I’m afraid I’ll get fired, but I know I am unable to give my all at work. How can I balance intense grief and keeping my job?

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Thirty minutes (and that’s plenty) with Pokemon Go

 By Greg Schwem

Tribune Content Agency
  Oh boy, am I gonna have FUN today! I’m gonna download Pokemon Go and join three quarters of the world’s inhabitants – including my next door neighbor, his daughter, their cat, my plumber and maybe even LeBron James – who are wandering around the world staring at their phones while trying not to get hit by a city bus.

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Interpersonal Edge: Make your annoying coworker a free career coach

 By Dr. Daneen Skube

Tribune Content Agency
  Q. I really, really dislike one of my coworkers. She is bossy, arrogant and demanding. She seems to have no shame about promoting herself and getting what she wants. Every day I dread dealing with her. Are there any techniques to handle the people at work that you hate the most?

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Interpersonal Edge: The math of goal setting


By Dr. Daneen Skube
Tribune Content Agency
Q. I feel like I’m getting nowhere in my career. I work hard, show up every day and still don’t get ahead. I am trying to figure out what I need to learn to make this the year I have a career break through. How can I improve my goal setting so I’m satisfied with my progress this year?

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Interpersonal Edge: Make fear a friend, not a foe


By Dr. Daneen Skube
Tribune Content Agency
Q. My company is facing significant challenges in 2016. I am worried about my job, my industry and how we are going to solve numerous complicated problems to stay afloat. My worry is affecting my health, my family and my focus at work. What do you tell your clients about how to deal with their fears in the workplace?

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Amidst the Thrills, Keep it Safe on Carnival and Amusement Rides; Ride Responsibly


mourgefile photo

 The more than 40 million people who will travel Michigan to enjoy carnival and amusement rides this season are urged to make safety a priority, especially with the kids

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Interpersonal Edge: Is an office war worth it?


By Dr. Daneen Skube
Tribune Content Agency
Q. There’s a power struggle/war going on in my office that could result in me greatly increasing my salary. I’ve been fighting this battle along with others on my team, but it is getting really ugly and personal at this point. I’m not sleeping well, worrying about it a lot, and the battle is consuming a lot of my time during the day. How do you determine the battles you fight and the battles you walk away from?

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Interpersonal Edge: Your coworkers’ prickliness is about them, not you


By Dr. Daneen Skube
Tribune Content Agency
 Q. The people I work with seem rarely to take the way they affect me into account. Why do they think so little of me? How can I work well with others when they appear to have no interest in my needs?

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Interpersonal Edge: Workplace friendships are different from those in private life


By Dr. Daneen Skube
Tribune Content Agency
Q. I’m a very loyal person, and I have a hard time with the rapid coming and going of people in the workplace. I enjoy long-term relationships, and it just seems like I get whiplash watching the turn over at work. How do you recommend your clients handle their personal attachments to people at work?

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Interpersonal Edge: If you run yourself ragged, don’t expect gratitude

By Dr. Daneen Skube
Tribune Content Agency
Q. I try really, really hard to be good at my job. I work late, work extra and always go the extra mile. I get really upset when customers get mad at me anyway. Recently, a customer made a big stink after I bent over backwards to help her. I felt so unappreciated. I keep obsessing about what she said about me and worried about my reputation. How can you handle negative reviews when you try so hard to do it right?

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