Eminem Teams With Nike For Charity
Rapper creates limited edition Air Max sneakers to raise funds for disadvantaged youth.
News For, By and About People
Rapper creates limited edition Air Max sneakers to raise funds for disadvantaged youth.
LANSING, MI — Graffiti n. pl. graf·fi·ti (-t) – A drawing or inscription made on a wall or other surface, usually so as to be seen by the public. Often used in the plural.
‘Death of a President’ is supposed to make a point about ‘rushing to judgment.’ Imagine this: President George W. Bush gets assassinated and a black man is eventually discovered to be the murderer.
Reform legislation could help bring even more choices. It’s no longer the digital home – it’s the digital lifestyle.
LANSING, MI — For the last 12 years, people have had the opportunity to experience the sounds, taste and feel of the Caribbean during the Caribbean Festival celebration of music, culture and food.
LANSING, MI — A local recall committee began circulating petitions in hopes of removing Lansing Mayor Virg Bernero from his seat. Recently, Ingham County’s election committee approved the recall petition language. The committee has 90 days to gather nearly 8,500 signatures.
The Drive for Diversity® program is enjoying a breakout year in just its third season. Drive for Diversity® is an ethnic and gender minority driver and crew member development program run by Access Marketing & Communications.
PHOTO: Jesus Hernandez celebrates his victory at Hickory Motor Speedway
LANSING, MI — Peter Mabil De Aluel who attended Lansing Community College for two years and now is at Michigan Technical University had a long journey before coming to the United States under the Lost Boys of Sudan program.
[Print edition correction]
In our August 20th issue, we misspelled the name "Preuss". P-R-E-U-S-S is the correct spelling. We apologize if we caused any inconveniences.
LANSING, MI — Preuss Animal House located at 1127 North Cedar Street. It has become a welcome member of Old Town’s growing business and artist community, in a large way.
LANSING, MI — There are about 70,000 registered voters in the 68th District. Only 14 % of Ingham County residents voted on August 8, 2006.
Photo: Joan Bauer won with almost 33% of the vote