Job Seekers: CNA
Do you know anyone who is receiving unemployment benefits or has recently exhausted unemployment benefits? If they are looking for a job as a Certified Nursing Assistant, there is FREE training.
News For, By and About People
Do you know anyone who is receiving unemployment benefits or has recently exhausted unemployment benefits? If they are looking for a job as a Certified Nursing Assistant, there is FREE training.
LANSING, MI — The New Citizens Press (TNCP) newspaper is celebrating its 10 year anniversary at the Creole Gallery located at 1218 Turner Street on Saturday, February 19. There will be live entertainment and an awards ceremony. Doors open at 6:00 pm for networking and dinner. The entertainment will begin at 7:00 pm.
1. Only the elderly and those with fragile bones need to be concerned about falls in snow and ice. This is untrue. The elderly are certainly at high risk for more serious consequences from falls on snow and ice, but everyone needs to use caution when walking on icy surfaces. Ankle, wrist, and hip fractures, head injuries, and back strains are common injuries from these types of falls and can affect anyone. Be sure to wear proper footwear in the winter.
Since December 11, 2010, the Downtown Lansing location of the Capital Area District Library has been the site of regular visits by openly armed members of the group Michigan Open Carry (MOC). The MOC members have attempted to openly carry rifles and handguns in CADL’s Downtown Lansing library. “Carrying weapons is in direct violation of CADL’s Code of Conduct and is also causing a great deal of alarm and panic among staff and patrons” according to Lance Werner the Director of CADL. Most recently, a staff member was so terrified that she was unable to work and had to be removed from her shift at a public service desk.
Left: This aluminum tab recycled bag is a great find for the “green conscious” woman for her 10 year anniversary on the job.
In 1922, Emily Post published the first known list of traditional anniversary presents and gift categories. Originally, the etiquette guru listed gifts only for the first, fifth, tenth, fifteenth, twentieth, twenty-fifth and fiftieth anniversaries. By 1957, Post had expanded her anniversary list to include every year from the 1st to the 15th, and for every fifth year after that.
By Reference Librarian Eunice Borelli
By now everyone has heard about the bedbug epidemic that’s affecting everything from the fanciest hotel rooms to college dorms to cruise ships. In August, the Environmental Protection Agency and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued a joint statement, which touched on the history of bed bugs in the United States, signs to watch for, and steps to take for prevention and control.
The Permanency Specialist must have a degree in Social Work or a related field. Experience will include a minimum of 2 years working with children and families in a child welfare service delivery system; Working knowledge and effective use of community resources;
By Robert Pagliarini,
Tribune Media Services
Several weeks ago at a fundraising event, I was introduced to a man in his late 40s. He had perfect hair, a GQ grin and was dressed impeccably in a custom suit. The only thing that sparkled more than his white teeth was his gold Rolex. As I was shaking his hand, I immediately assessed what kind of person he was, but, after speaking with him, my initial characterization was destroyed and so was my spirit. I realized that I had unfairly (and inaccurately) prejudged who he was.
Reuse paper products to wrap gifts this season.
By Cara Smusiak
Naturally Savvy
Standing in a store surrounded by dozens of other shoppers, that claustrophobic, panicked feeling that washes over many of us at some point in December can have even the greenest tree-hugger blindly grabbing for the closest toy and a roll of wrapping paper.