Business Update
Fast Facts: A Day at the Desk
By Reference Librarian Anne Rau
Being a Reference Librarian is a job that keeps you on your toes. You never know what someone will ask; questions fly at you on every subject. Although it’s challenging work, it’s also very interesting. I decided to keep a log about the requests I received on just one single day at the Reference Desk.
Fans Flock to Folly for Fantastic Finds
Tallulah’s Folly is an amazing place filled with flowers and special gifts. According owner David Gregware, it is an “Eccentric Retreat Filled With A Melange of Unique Offerings, Flora & Shenanigans”. TNCP Photo
Fast Facts – 9-19- Science Fairs
By Carol Grund
For many years, science fairs have been part of the school curriculum, especially in elementary schools. They offer a chance for students to learn about a particular topic in science or engineering that they are excited about, and to share it with other students and family members.
Spartan Dance Center Kicks Off Dance Competition
Local talent ready to show off to East Lansing
Local Non-Profit Helps Artists Connect with Entertainment Industry Professionals
LANSING, MI — Getting into the entertainment industry is more than just making beats and knowing how to play an instrument or sing.
Fast Facts – 9-18 – A New Language At Your Fingertips
You have always wanted to learn Spanish, right? Or was it Turkish you were hoping to focus on this year? Whatever your choice, now you can learn a new language with your CADL library card and a learning system called BYKI-our newest language resource accessible with your home computer and an Internet connection.
Interpersonal EDGE: Get Even by Doing Well
By Dr. Daneen Skube
On the Road with MoJo Table-for-Two Reviews: Joe’s Bakery and Coffee Shop

Interpersonal EDGE: Is Rage Over Political Correctness PC?
Q. I used a common phrase around a female coworker and was immediately attacked for being sexist. I didn’t know this phrase was offensive to her. I’m an older white guy and becoming paranoid about opening my mouth. How do I deal with a workplace that is increasingly politically correct?