
The Onion’s Big Fail, And What It Demands Of Us

In 2013, Quvenzhané Wallis became the youngest person ever to receive a Best Actress Oscar nomination for her performance in “Beasts of the Southern Wild” (2012). She is also the first Academy Award nominee who was born in the 21st century. She will be playing the role of orphan Annie in an African-American film version. 

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Virtual Tourist: Top 5 worst travel scams and how to avoid them


Artists along Las Ramblas, in Barcelona.
The pros of traveling definitely outweigh the cons, but that doesn’t mean you should throw caution to the wind when exploring new places. 

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Be PHREEE: Vote For Your Life

Charissa  suggests that you take the time and vote.


By Charissa Patterson-Martinez

You matter in this world and you have a vote to make a difference, do not squander it away by sitting idle and letting the world that you live in everyday never be graced with your voice. This would be a shame, especially since your voice is so worthy of being heard today.


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Fixin’ up Hoopa: A Community’s Struggle with Addiction–Part II

Part I “Hoopa Rez: Ground Zero for Ever-Expanding Meth Economy” of this two-part series is on www.tncp.net.  There is also an accompanying documentary short film, “Addiction and Renewal in the Hoopa Valley,” on www.newamericamedia.org.
Wikimedia photo

By Allie Hostler, Two Rivers Tribune / Jacob Simas, New America Media
HOOPA, CA — Jane judged drug addicts harshly, until she became one in her late 20s. Suffering from depression and mourning a lifestyle she worked hard to maintain for her family, she began smoking meth. 

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Our Children a Possible Mission


By Charissa Patterson-Martinez

What message do you want to ensure that generations behind us get? What are you doing to ensure that our young people are ready mind, body and soul? Whether we like it or not, young people are watching us. They see how we handle a rude receptionist and hear us how we address people in authority in our own communities. 


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Community Action Network Responds to Violence During Fourth of July Parade

Left:Celebrating the memories:  Monica Blackwell, mother of Domonique Ardister, holds white balloons for her son who was murdered on May 25, 2012 during the Fourth of July parade. TNCP photo

 Down: Domestic Violence:  Rosalyn Williams-Griffin supporting of her relative 2-year old Brandon Kemp who died on died on April 30, 2012. 

LANSING, MI — In almost 100 degree weather over 140 people marched in the T.E.A.M. 517 – Stop the Violence entry in the Fourth of July parade.


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News Spotlight: Traffic Stop Leads to Narcotic and Gun Charges


In July of 2010, Lavar Burton shot and killed his stepdaughter, 7-year-old Amaia Edmond, when two men invaded their home on Custer Street. He has been arrested during a traffic stop
Photo Courtesy of the Lansing Police Department


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The Legacy Project: Stories of Lansing’s African American Families: Lonnie Johnson (This is a series in honor of The New Citizens Press’ 2012 anniversary)

Good memories living in Lansing: Lonnie Johnson, 3-years-old at 904 S. Sycamore St.  The neighborhood no longer exists, however at the time it was considered the Westside.  Johnson shown here about 1942, with his mother, Alice Johnson, born in 1918 in Lansing, MI.  Courtesy photo

By Nadine Defensor

The city of Lansing is home to approximately 115,000 African-Americans. It’s also the home of a rich African-American culture, where family history can be traced all the way to the country’s birth, while also witnessing its momentous historical events.

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Virtual Tourist: Top 10 most scenic workouts

It is great to go on vacation and keep up with your healthy New Year’s resolutions. Try
hiking in Cinque Terre in Italy.
Photo by Holger Gester


As vacation time looms, it’s easy to suddenly remember the New Year’s resolutions that have gone to the wayside. Even if you’ve been good, upcoming “vacations” can wreak havoc on your hard work, with long days spent laying horizontal by a pool drinking calories. Instead of packing only cover-ups and sun hats for your impending jaunts, how about some workout clothes? To help you find some spots that are both beautiful and conducive to exercise, VirtualTourist.com has compiled a list of the “Top Ten Most Scenic Workouts.”     

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Inside The Mind of a Sportsaholic – Think Like A Sports Fan

 By Jimmy Wilson, Jr.

After seeing the movie “Think Like A Man”, I figured I would dispense some relationship tips myself. Fellas, don’t be alarmed, these tips won’t be exposing any secrets, or throwing men under the bus. These tips are for women who are dealing with men who are into sports, but the women may not really be into them also. These tips are to help you ladies know what to listen for, and how to deal with men who love sports. 

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