
Start a Business?! How ’bout Occupy Entrepreneurship?

By Chris Rabb


I recently came across a pithy, anti-Occupy Wall Street column in Entrepreneur Magazine that encouraged protesters to go home and create start-up ventures instead of standing up for social and economic justice. The column was just under 400 words, but I can summarize it for you: Stop complaining and start a business. Though the conservative argument behind it was neither new nor particularly well-founded, it was aggressively inane and patently misguided all the same.

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Bearded Sikh Finally Allowed to Work in California Prison

Trilochan Singh Obero would not shave his beard due to his religion and was denied a job.  Courtesy photo
By Sunita Sohrabji
The New Citizens Press
Trilochan Singh Oberoi, a bearded Sikh American, will finally begin working at Folsom State Prison in California Nov. 1, after a contentious six-year battle to gain employment there.

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A ‘Dream’ remembered

The Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Project Foundation dedicated a monument in his honor on the National Mall on October 16, 2011. It took five years to make the memorial that honors Dr. King and his life and his legacy.

The vision of a memorial in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. is one that captures the essence of his message, a message in which he so eloquently affirms the commanding tenants of the American Dream — Freedom, Democracy and Opportunity for All.

As a national monument honoring Martin Luther King Jr. opens in Washington, D.C., a look back at his legacy and his star power

By Gregory Clay | McClatchy-Tribune News Service

During the turbulent decade of the 1960s, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was about the gleam — in the eyes, that is. He was about the cadence in his speech intonations — a rapper of social consciousness before Kurtis Blow, before Public Enemy, before Queen Latifah, that is. He was about “The Dream” — the iconic speech at the Lincoln Memorial on that sweltering afternoon of Aug. 28, 1963, that is. He was about the rhythm of the civil rights movement — played to the spirit of Motown and the serenity of Burt Bacharach, that is.

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Women Left Behind in Recovery

By Kat Aaron and Lynne Perri
New America Media
Investigative Reporting Workshop

A higher percentage of women are unemployed than men, according to numbers released today by Gallup. More than 10 percent of the women surveyed were unemployed, compared to 8 percent of men. Almost 11 percent of women working part time wanted full time work, compared to 8 percent of men.

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“It’s A Breast Thing” Helps Breast Cancer Survivors

Left to Right:  Tonie Brovont, owner of OWLYN; Sophia Cole, breast cancer survivor and 2012 calendar model; Suzi Wyman and Barb McKessy, owners of Ultimate Image & Esthetique, which is a full service salon; and Dr. LaKeeya Tucker from Alliance Obstetrics-Gynecology (in the middle of Wyman and McKeesy) collaborated this year on “It’s a Breast Thing”.  Photo by The New Citizens Press


BATH, MI — Almost 400 people walked through the doors to support “It’s a Breast Thing” fundraiser.  The mission of this non-profit is to provide women in the Greater Lansing Area with resources regarding breast cancer.  The funds raised will stay in the community (Eaton, Ingham, Clinton and Shiawasee) for diagnosing and treating breast health issues. They also have support from a number of other physicians and businesses in the community.


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Hire Teenagers: A Solution to Joblessness in America

By Patricia Johnson
New America Media
At the recent LinkedIn-sponsored town hall meeting, President Obama stated that we “make sure your neighbors and friends also have jobs.”
I’ve got a suggestion that doesn’t cost much, doesn’t need a government agency to run it, and could help reinvigorate our cities: hire teenagers.

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 Home cooking for a new generation. Easy and elegant recipes from the heart and soul created for today’s family.

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E. LANSING, MI — The Michigan State University Museum presents a special exhibition, “MASK: Secrets and Revelations” that puts many of its global collections on public display for the first time.
Photo: Painted mask from India

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Latina Tea Party Favorite Could Save Anti-Immigrant Senator in AZ Recall

By Valeria Fernandez
New America Media
MESA, AZ — Her “Si se puede” signs are all over the Phoenix suburb of Mesa. She’s a Mexican immigrant, a Republican Mormon and she’s entered the historic race on Nov. 8 to recall State Senator Russell Pearce the architect of SB 1070, one of the harshest anti-immigrant laws in the nation.

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The Law and Aging Parents

By Christine Caswell, Attorney
It is incredibly hard to care for aging parents when you live near them, let alone when you are hundreds or even thousands of miles away. Moreover, seniors don’t like the idea of losing their independence, so they may not be cooperative. If they are losing legal competence, the court may need to be involved, and children could end up as the opposing party against a parent in a court proceeding.

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