On the Road with MoJo Table-for-Two Reviews: FRAN’S HAMBURGERS

News For, By and About People
By Carol Grund
For many years, science fairs have been part of the school curriculum, especially in elementary schools. They offer a chance for students to learn about a particular topic in science or engineering that they are excited about, and to share it with other students and family members.
LANSING, MI — Getting into the entertainment industry is more than just making beats and knowing how to play an instrument or sing.
By Mark Miller
Tribune Media Services
How much will you need to live on in retirement? You’ll often hear the big financial services companies offer this rule of thumb: Plan to replace 80 percent of your working income in retirement.
By Mark Miller
Tribune Media Services
If you’ve spent hours analyzing the investment strategies of the mutual funds in your retirement portfolio, here’s some bad news: You could have saved a lot of time just focusing on the fees.
Shakara Tyler is a Penn State University senior majoring in Agricultural Sciences with two minors in Agricultural Communications and Law and Liberal Arts. During the summer of 2010 she was a research scholar at Michigan State University in the Summer Research Opportunities Program.
She writes about the plight of minorities in agriculture.
Top Left: Amaia Edmond 7-years-old, Wexford Montessori
student died onJuly 23, shows her dazzling personality on Easter Sunday, which was on April 4th in 2010. Courtesy photo.
LANSING, MI — Jackie Summerville lovingly picked up her grandchild, Kyla Lauderdale and grazed her lips across her chubby cheek. Jackie lamented that she had been through enough this past year and was grateful for the opportunity to cherish one kiss from the 1-year-old.