

LANSING, MI –On Tuesday, August 4, 2009, the Capital Area Transportation Authority (CATA) will offer free rides to customers with a valid voter registration card.  The card must be presented to the driver when boarding to receive the free ride.

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Travel Muse: Caribbean Private Island Paradises

There are Caribbean resorts and then there are “private island resorts,” where you can have a slice of some of the most secluded and exclusive pieces of paradise almost entirely to yourself. These havens can ironically be more authentic than your typical island getaway, eschewing manicured perfection and an overload of activities, instead relying on natural beauty and serenity to touch your senses. As they say on Guana Island, it’s the “Caribbean before it went public.”

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Kids Online – What Parents Need to Know

The Internet, the phenomenal resource which has developed over recent years, opens the world for children and teenagers. An endless supply of information and a choice of different ways to interact with others are instantly available. As with all inventions that transform the way we communicate – from the printing press to the telephone to television – there are great advantages, but there’s also a downside.  Parents should be aware of both sides so that they can maximize the benefits.

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JazzFest is Set for August 7-8

Left : JazzFest crowds always enjoy the music and food.

LANSING, MI –  The Lansing JazzFest is back for its fifteenth year as an annual FREE community music festival August 7th and 8th on the streets of beautiful, historic Old Town Lansing!

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“There is a saying ‘once you go Mac, you never go back’ states David Smith (left) who is pictured with Sasha Copic (right).  Both work at Capitol Macintosh.

1915 E. Michigan Avenue
Lansing, MI 48912
Toll Free 1.800.562.0192

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Even in Death, King of Pop Stirs Racial Divide

The first nasty inkling that even the King of Pop can stir racial divides came with the Mt. Everest-sized list of postings on blogs, chat rooms, and Web sites the week after Michael Jackson’s death. Many writers dredged up all of the old drug, child molestation and other dirt digs on Jackson.

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