
JUSTICE: Post-Katrina, White Vigilantes Shot African-Americans With Impunity

In the days after Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans fractured along racial fault lines as its government collapsed. Read about it in our next edition. White vigilante gunmen nearly killed Donnell Herrington.
Photo by Chandra McCormick & Keith Calhoun

The way Donnell Herrington tells it, there was no warning. One second he was trudging through the heat. The next he was lying prostrate on the pavement, his life spilling out of a hole in his throat, his body racked with pain, his vision blurred and distorted.

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“The Color Purple” Set at The Wharton Center

Producer Scott Sanders always heard music between the pages of Alice Walker’s Pulitzer Prize-winning novel "The Color Purple." Then when the story was adapted into a Steven Spielberg film, Sander’s feeling that this tale deserved a musical voice increased.

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We Remember Community Activist Sherill D. Pittman …May 23, 1954 – January 10, 2009…

“There has been a lot of speculation going on around about me having cancer.  This is true.  This is something that can happen to anyone; therefore, you have yourself examined annually.”
          – Sherill Pittman

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OBAMA TO APPEAR IN SPIDER-MAN COMIC: Marvel appreciated President-elect’s love for superhero as a kid



To reward Barack Obama’s childhood love for Spider-Man comics, Marvel Comics has announced it will give the president-elect a “shout-out back” by featuring him in a bonus story, said Joe Quesada, Marvel’s editor-in-chief.

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Hudson school bullying case goes to trial

Bullying has affected many students negatively.  Unfortunately, some adults don’t take it seriously. The student in the story inside decided to fight the system.

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“HIS LEGACY LIVES ON” A Profile of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.


(BPRW) Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was one of the most important and prolific leaders of the Civil Rights movement. He is remembered for his message of peace and nonviolence and devoted his life to making sure that all people had equal rights.

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