
Build Spanish for Business Skills at Lansing Community College

Left – CTBA short for Cuatro Torres Business Area (Spanish for Four Towers Business Area) is a business park currently under construction located in the Paseo de la Castellana in Madrid (Spain), on the former Ciudad Deportiva of Real Madrid. The area will contain the tallest skyscrapers in Madrid and Spain.


Below – With globalization on the rise, more are doing business overseas in cities like Madrid, Spain.

Professor Keith Phillips
explains an article written in Spanish about the stock market to LCC student Mercedes Martinez (left).

The article uses business terms not usually taught in traditional Spanish classes.

Sexton High School
Spanish teacher
Jeanette Barron (right)
goes over her notes.


TNCP Photo


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TNCP Special College Edition: What are the Pros & Cons of Online Schools?

There are many distinct differences between online education and traditional learning. For certain students, distance learning is a fitting option; for others, a campus-based school program is much more beneficial. By comparing the advantages and disadvantages of online learning you can decide if an online or campus program would be more helpful in achieving your goals.

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Lansing Jaycees Hold Fall Fun Fest at the GM Lansing Delta Township Plant Habitat

LANSING, MI — Calling all ghosts and goblins!   In lieu of their annual Haunted House, the Lansing Jaycees are having a Fall Fun Fest at the GM Lansing Delta Township Plant Habitat, 8175 Millett Hwy Lansing, MI 48917, on Thursday, October 30th for ages 12 and under.

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Update: Extreme Makeover Home Edition Family Chosen


On September 26, “Extreme Makeover: Home Edition” travelled to Holt, Michigan, to tell the Nickless family that their 1860’s farmhouse will be remodeled in only seven days! After husband Tim Nickless passed away in January, Arlene Nickless and her three sons, Aaron, 11, Noah, 9, and Andrew, 7  were left to fend for themselves in the dilapidated home. Therefore, Ty and his designers demolished the Nickless’ old home and built them a brand new one!

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Shabazz Students Present the Power of Poetry

Left: Jeronte Jasper smiling while reciting the words to the children’s song “The Wheels on the Bus”.  The kindergarten students were immediately engaged and began to sing along.  Below:  The gym was packed with students and parents.

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 Panelists say decision  influenced heavily by secret audio tapes

Seven jurors from the O.J. Simpson trial say their guilty verdict was influenced more by secret audio tapes and surveillance video than eyewitness accounts, reports the Associated Press.

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Local Sorority Observes Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October


The Women of the Lansing Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
will be observing Breast Cancer Awareness Month on Tuesday, October 28, 2008.
The theme is "Knowledge to Save Lives" to be held in the Banquet Hall at the Hannah Community Center 819 Abbott Rd. East Lansing MI 48823 from 6:30 to 8:30 pm.

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Democrats’ Hands Aren’t Clean in the Financial Mess

The normally expansive Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was anything but that when she was asked if the Democrats should get some of the blame for the Wall Street financial mess. Pelosi answered with a terse “no.” But Pelosi quickly got expansive when she finger pointed Bush and the Republicans for creating the mess. This is the standard Pelosi line.

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200th Internet Predator Arrested

LANSING, MI- The internet has enriched our lives but it also has become fertile ground for illegal activity.  Whether at home, the public library or at school children have access to the internet and are sometimes more computer savvy than their parents.  Unfortunately,     children aren’t aware that posting too much online is becoming a popular way that child predators reach potential victims.  Internet crimes can also lead to kidnapping, sexual molestation, torture and death when the online predator is looking for
victims among the naive and unwary. 

Daniel Allen Everett, above, capture number 198 was arrested in a to “Catch a Predator” type sting in Michigan. Courtesy Photo

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