
Granholm Signs Food Bank Tax Credit Bill offers income tax credit for in-kind food donations

LANSING, MI – Governor Jennifer M. Granholm today signed legislation that offers a Michigan income tax credit to individuals who make in-kind food donations to food banks, food pantries, and homeless shelters as part of a matching program with a participating food retailer.

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Local Woman Teaches Lessons of Dignity


Reading is Fundamental:  Tim Wong, who’s a former student of Marilouise Smith-Mays visited her recently.  Mays specializes in teaching adults how to read or improve their reading skills. Photo by Quincy Allan Hodges

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Cost of Fuel is Top Economic Concern for Michigan Families

MICHIGAN — Michigan has had more than its share of economic hardships in recent years, but when Michigan voters were asked the biggest economic problem facing their family, the cost of fuel trumped everything. Gas prices have risen to $4.15 across the nation. 

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EDDIE MURPHY MAY GO BACK TO STANDUP: Actor flirts with retirement from films


Is Eddie Murphy getting tired of the Hollywood grind? While plugging his upcoming film "Meet Dave," due in theaters July 11, the actor told "Extra’s" Tanika Ray that he may leave movies for good and return to his roots on stage.      

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Report Reveals Broken Scales of Justice For Michigan’s Poor Defendants

LANSING, MI – Ken Wyniemko was convicted of a rape he didn’t commit in 1994. Wyniemko was freed from prison in 2004, after spending 9 years locked up.   The results of DNA test of a cigarette butt and semen stained nylons showed that it didn’t match his DNA.  Although, Wyniemko professed his innocence, he was convicted of rape and burglary.   A court appointed attorney assigned to Wyniemko’s case had less than a week to prepare for his defense.  The jury also heard from a jailhouse informant who was spared a life sentence for his testimony that Wyniemko confessed.  Even though the victim was blindfolded and the attacker wore a ski mask, she said she was certain that it was Wyniemko.  A judge exceeded the sentencing guidelines because Wyniemko didn’t show remorse and sentenced him to 40 – 60 years in prison.

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R. KELLY JURORS SPEAK: Most believed it was singer on the tape, but there ‘wasn’t enough evidence to prosecute.’





The 12 jurors who set R. Kelly free of child pornography charges Friday were reportedly in agreement that the singer was actually on the tape, but could not find him guilty because there was "not enough evidence to prosecute."

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Severe weather season hasn’t ended in Michigan


Tammy Banovik stands on her front lawn where a tree had fallen on 2213 S. Washington Avenue.  Sue Jenkinson was outside cleaning up some falling branches during a recent storm in Lansing when it occurred.   Photo by Nicole Wallace

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Part II – Weighing Justice in America: Is there equality for the rich and the poor?

When Walter Swift was freed after being wrongly imprisoned for 26 years he told the crowd that he feels like a bird has been let out of a cage.  He is shown with lawyers from the Innocence Project, a group that works to free those who are wrongly imprisoned.  Courtesy Photo

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