
News Spotlight: Set Yourself On Fire


By Sherman Joseph
I know you are thinking, “Why would I want you to set yourself on fire?” This is not about burning yourself literally. This is about lighting that flame within you to get moving. Set yourself on Fire!

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News Spotlight: So What’s Holding You Up? – 5 Steps for Leaders


By Sherman Joseph
How often do you say to yourself, ‘I will get around to it. Or if I had enough money I could do this or that’? Yes, it does take money to do some of things that you desire to accomplish; however, that should not be your main reason for getting started. So what is holding you up?

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News Spotlight: Don’t Let Fear Stop You From Living

 By Sherman Joseph

Fears keep you in the background. In fact, it convinces you that you cannot make your dreams come true, it tells you to be quiet, and it even separates you from your loved ones. But living in fear is neither acceptable nor necessary. Facing fear is something with which every person must try to achieve. In order to live a peaceful and happy life you must face your fears and conquer them. Healthy fear can protect you, but unnatural and unhealthy fear can destroy your life. So, you need to conquer it before it conquers you. There are several ways you can have an edge over your fears and break the walls surrounding it:

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News Spotlight: We Remember Rev. Dr. Michael Murphy

 Funeral arrangements have been made for Rev. Michael C. Murphy.  In Washington D.C., services will be held on Saturday, January 10, 2015 at Peoples Congregation UCC Church.  It is located at 4804 13th NW.  Visitation is at 10 a.m. and the funeral services are at 11:00 a.m.

Photo source: Peoples Congregation UCC Church

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News Spotlight – Bank Robbery


At approximately 2:52 p.m. Lansing Police were dispatched to a bank robbery (CASE C/U) in the 4300 block of S. Pennsylvania.

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News Spotlight: MSU partners with Detroit to investigate death scenes

Dr. Eric Benbow is on The New Perspective on November 3, 2014 show. Please listen to Segments 3, 4, 5 and 6.

 EAST LANSING, MI – As bodies decompose, their types and numbers of bugs and bacteria change. Deciphering the clues they provide could mean the difference between a closed case and an unsolved murder.

Dr.  Eric Benbow, MSU entomologist and osteopathic medical specialist.  

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News Spotlight: Woman Killed in Motorcycle Accident

  According to the Lansing Police Department (LPD) on Tuesday, October 28, 2014  at approximately 7:15 p.m. they were dispatched to an accident in the 900 block of Vincent Ct. involving a single motorcycle and no other vehicles. Dispatch advised responding officers there was a non-responsive female lying near the crash site.

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News Spotlight: Suspect Arraigned For Shooting a Man and Taking His Car


At approximately 2:00 p.m. on Sunday, October 19th,  Lansing police were dispatched to the area of Sandlyn and Woodlyn on a possible man shot lying in the roadway.
Photo of suspect Michael Gordon Raymond

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News Spotlight – Murder Suicide Close to Hospital

  This morning, October 21, 2014 at approximately 7:03 a.m. Lansing Police were dispatched to the 2700 block of S. Pennsylvania in regard to shots fired. The caller advised dispatch they herd several shots being fired in the rear parking lot area of the hospital (2727 S. Pennsylvania).

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