Nooses in Michigan?
In the last edition, Iva E. Anthony our New York correspondent wrote about how nooses are showing up all over the country and Michigan is no exception.
News For, By and About People
In the last edition, Iva E. Anthony our New York correspondent wrote about how nooses are showing up all over the country and Michigan is no exception.
With the holidays coming, kinship care families’ budgets are stretched. The Kinship Care program at Allen Neighborhood Center needs basic supplies.
Michigan Association of County Clerks object to the closed
primary, they say that it is too late to guarantee that some would have time to apply for, receive and return ballots. Lansing City Clerk, Chris Swope says that he is confident that his office will be prepared.
Stanley O’Neal, forced out of the top job at Merrill Lynch, is the highest ranking casualty of the sub-prime loan fiasco — even as diversity in corporate America is still an issue.
Since 1996, St. Stephen’s Community Church, United Church of Christ on Lansing’s eastside has awarded over $75,000 in scholarships to students in mid-Michigan.
“Everyone is welcome. We all have talents within us.”
Nadia Sellers, co-owner of
U & I Model and Talent Management
New Modeling and Talent Agency needs
Please bring your best photos to their open call on
November 17, 2007.
Joseph Johnson is a model and actor with U& I Model and Talent Management and he seen above modeling cookware. Photo by Steve Ragland
17-year-old DeAndre Way – AKA Soulja Boy Tell’em – utilized internet marketing to make his production and raps a must-have by music consumers. With tens-of-millions of people visiting his website and Myspace page, his single “Crack That” became a #1 hit, and one of the most popular singles of 2007. Signed to Collipark Music/Interscope Records, Soulja Boy Tell’em’s career, like his website, could remain popular for years to come.
The presidential election of 2008 will be historic in several ways. For the first time ever, a woman and an African American both have a viable shot at being the Democratic nominee.
The initial accreditation was awarded by the Council on Accreditation of Nurse Anesthesia Educational Programs.
(This is a Two Part Interview- Part I was in the previous edition.)
D.L. Hughley has a natural gift for comedy, yet trained himself to better at his profession. He recently performed at the Wharton Center in Lansing, MI and sat down for a heart-to-heart. Family life was part of his workout.