NorthWest Initiative Provides Referral Services for Ex- Offenders and Their Families
LANSING, MI — Prisoners are released from Michigan correctional facilities all the time.
News For, By and About People
LANSING, MI — Prisoners are released from Michigan correctional facilities all the time.
LANSING, MI — Randy Hannan, Lansing Mayor Virgil Bernero’s deputy chief of staff, has returned to his position.
As the campaign to unseat our current Mayor of Lansing continues to grow in visibility, it would be prudent for all of the elected and appointed officials in Lansing city government to take notice.
In order to be a successful small or micro business owner, you have to make sure that you have the right tools in order to succeed.
Governor Jennifer Granholm stops for a picture with one of the march supporters.
LANSING, MI — On September 16, 2006, thousands of diverse people from all over Michigan marched to the state capital building to support affirmative action in a rally/march organized by One United Michigan, the NAACP and other civil rights organizations.
LANSING, MI — Some students who attend Lansing’s Boys & Girls Club were treated to the play “IF THE SHOE FITS” by Marlene Shelton at the Boarshead Theater.
LANSING, MI — Randy Hannan, Lansing Mayor Virg Bernero’s deputy chief of staff, was arrested by Lansing police officers on Thursday, September 21, 2006, for driving while intoxicated.
Ingham County is one of eleven counties to receive funds to counteract the alarming differences between black and white infant mortality rates.
LANSING, MI — Mounds of dirt and orange and white barrels have taken over Michigan Avenue and its sidewalks. Affixed to the front of bar and restaurant 621, located at 621 E. Michigan Avenue, hangs a banner…
More than 2,000 job seekers are expected to turn out to meet with employers, interview for jobs and network at the Capital Area Michigan Works!’ Fall Job Expo 2006.