Recall the Mayor
Some people are saying that we should give Lansing’s Mayor a chance. I guess for them six months isn’t enough, even though many jobs have a six-month probationary period. Why then should it be any different for the Mayor?
News For, By and About People
Some people are saying that we should give Lansing’s Mayor a chance. I guess for them six months isn’t enough, even though many jobs have a six-month probationary period. Why then should it be any different for the Mayor?
The Board of Water and Light raised electric and water rates 2001-2003 and 2005. Water rates just increased 6.5% on July 1. Now the board is proposing a 1.5% increase for electric rates in September in order to generate an additional $1.5 million in revenues. Why so many increases?
Dear TNCP,
I’m on both sides of the fence with customer service. I’ve been on the receiving end of bad service and I’ve been accused of giving bad service.
Rev. Nathan A. Dixon, Trinity African Methodist Episcopal Church responds to an article in the City Pulse newspaper ( entitled “From the pulpit to the polls” by Kyle Melinn.
This is a most unfortunate saying that I have resented since my decision to enter the teaching profession. As years go by, my first students have become the parents of my new students. I have taught a school of classes. My practice has become polished with experience and lessons hard learned. I am not just a teacher anymore but a true educator. I take pride in my profession and see it as not a career but a true spiritual calling. This calling is not for everyone. Let me digress, I realize that I have loss some of the resentment for that first statement. I find discontentment and displeasure with others who share my title and claim to be peers and colleagues.
It has been a month since the burial of Rosa Parks, mother of the civil rights movement and truly one of America’s greatest freedom fighters. And fittingly, the tributes continue.