Excuse me, are you listening? 11-24

Dear Readers,
We as people have a lot of work to do.  When it comes to negativity and reflecting on our views towards others, it is prudent sometimes to just keep your thoughts to yourself.  

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Excuse me, are you listening? 11-23

Dear Readers,
Healthy minds and bodies are an important part of living a quality life. No matter where you are in your life, imagine yourself stronger and full of energy.  

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Excuse me, are you listening? 11-22

Dear Readers,
I am feeling the excitement in the air as the holiday festivities and invitations begin to roll in.  Please remember those who have had a painful year. 

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Excuse me, are you listening? 11-19

Dear Readers,
To be honest, they have been asking me to visit them for 5 years.  I never wanted to go so I just ignored the request or I would make up an excuse.  I did take the information from members of their group and printed some of the letters, the stories and the like

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Excuse me, are you listening? 11-18

Dear Readers,

The gift of giving is so important.  When I was a child, my Auntie Barbara was my favorite.  She was the coolest and hippest person that I knew.  She lived about 30 minutes away and she had 2 sons that were around my age.

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Excuse me, are you listening? 11-17

I had the opportunity on numerous occasions to perform with Robert “Bob” Rentschler pictured above (and his wife because she was always his constant companion).  Even though he passed away recently, his energy will be felt for millenniums.  Yes, he lived his life abundantly.  He is shown here in a photo from his book “4 Against The Wall”.

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Excuse me, are you listening? 11-16

Dear Readers,
I love music and I am trying to get as many people to sing or play as possible.  Even if you sing in the shower there is hope.
You may not think that you are good at it but there are all types of opportunities for you to try.

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Excuse me, are you listening? 11-15

All smiles:  William Hubbell (left)  and Amir Risper (right) were both on the Capitol steps in Lansing, MI to celebrate their birthdays on Thursday, July 19, 2012 during Poetry in the City. Fifty-five years separated them as Rosemarie “One Single Rose” Wilson sang her own rendition of “Happy Birthday” to them in the pouring rain. The other thing they had in common was the opportunity to have 100 people sing to them.  TNCP photo

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Excuse me, are you listening? 11-14

Dear Readers,
Why is it so hard for people to apologize?  It is one of the best ways to smooth over a situation, regain trust or show someone you love  or respect them.

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Excuse me, are you listening? 11-13

Dear Readers,
The summer is flying by.  Michigan, oh sweet Michigan, why is your weather so crazy.  We have flucuations in weather that are just too much to bear.  One day it is 100 degrees and the next it is 75 degrees. Then when you go to work in the summer it is always 50 degrees.  It seems to be quite scary.  Then again, everything is causing concern or so it seems.  

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