Excuse me, are you listening? 11-12

Dear Readers,
In the June 3, 2012 –  June 16, 2012 edition we did a story entitled “The Legacy Project: Stories of Lansing’s African American Families: Lonnie Johnson”.  I am so sorry to say that he passed away on June 23, 2012.

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Excuse me, are you listening? 11-11

Dear Readers,

This edition will be printed just in time for Father’s Day but it is time that we really start recognizing the contributions of fathers with respect first.

We all know that there are fathers who are not a part of their children’s lives but we also have mothers who are not as well.

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Excuse me, are you listening? 11-10

Dear Readers,
I know that we worry a lot about our children.  I am worried a lot about the littlest things when it comes to them because I am not directly knowledgeable about all of  their thoughts or emotions at all times.  The one thing that I do know is that we as parents have the most influence on our children.

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Excuse me, are you listening? 11-9

Dear Readers, 
I am only assuming that I am not the only one who has a deep appreciation for the arts.
As I look back on my early education growing up in New York, I can always remember the painting projects, museum trips, dance classes and school plays that help shaped my future.

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Excuse me, are you listening? 11-9

Dear Readers,

On Saturday, April 28th, 2012, I was one of three responsible for one of the most emotional events I have ever experienced, the “Keep the P.E.A.C.E. & Stop the Violence” march. It was my first time being involved in the process. I spent countless hours visiting churches and other groups to get support for this initiative and when I woke up the clouds were threatening and it was chilly. I was undaunted. 

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Excuse me, are you listening? 11-7

Dear Readers, 
Passion. Passion. Passion.  I know that I have not been honest with myself.  How many of us actually admit that we have issues?  My issues are ones that I make up myself.  Your issues are probably as negative as mine.  How we may differ is that when I take a mental break I try to make sure I clock back in, in a timely manner.  It is like being late from lunch.  Even though you are only a few minutes late, you are still late!  The guilt may last for an hour.  Your coworkers may look at you as though you came back from lunch with mustard on your shirt.  Your boss has the “silly rabbit you are late” look on her face. 

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Excuse me, are you listening? 10-4

Dear Readers,
I am hoping that you are concentrating on what you do best and not judging others for what you believe they should be doing better.  Have you ever noticed that people who are always upset and negative are always complaining and not trying to find solutions?  It is always interesting when people begin to attack because they feel as though you need to agree with everything they say.  I think that instead of being frustrated, you should smile.  The only thing you can do is change the way you feel.

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Excuse me, are you listening? 11-2

Dear Readers,
The most innocent things can make for the most interesting memories.
I was scanning my Facebook page (that is what you do while you are working on two computers) and I saw a link for a craft.

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Excuse me, are you listening? 11-1

Dear Readers,
I must be getting old.  I must be getting wiser.  Working with people in Lansing, I know I am getting smarter.
I am hoping that every single person that picks up the newspaper, will benefit from something that was read in it.
I love people.  Amazingly so not everyone does.  I did not say that I did not like the way some people are.  I said I love people.  I love them in all of their spaces.  While I may choose not to be around them, talk to them or do business with them, I still love them for just who they are.  I do not have a choice.

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Excuse me, are you listening? 10-26

Dear Readers,
I am noticing that plenty of people are resolving to be happier this year.  I think that is an amazing possibility for all.  This year, I will do things differently.  I will work harder on my imperfections.  I will work harder at listening more.  I will work harder to be a better businessperson.  I will work harder to accept responsibility for the things I have done in the past without excuses.  

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