Excuse me, are you listening? 14-19


Dear Readers,

Sometimes I wonder about what I will write about when my last two children leave home.  I am not ready for it.  I think that I have taught them well enough.  I am trying not to look at my experiences as a student and compare them to my own children.  My educational experience was less than stellar but a trip back to New York put me in the proper perspective.

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Excuse me, are you listening? 14-18


Photo: Rina Risper, President & Publisher of The New Citizens Press

Dear Readers,

School has started for all students in Michigan.  My daughter has started high school.  I remember when she was born and how excited I was.  It is a production week and I can hardly keep my hands on the keyboard as I multitask.

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Excuse me, are you listening? 14-16

 Rina Risper, President & Publisher of 

The New Citizens Press
Dear Readers,
I cannot believe that school began for my youngest on August 10th.  I am not sure if I will indeed go crazy this year or just need to cope with for the first time having two children in two separate schools for the first time ever.  I wonder how they will fare not being together for the first time since they are 15 months apart.

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Excuse me, are you listening? 14-16

  Dear Readers,

I have a friend, Valerie Smith, who always makes me happy.  Ever since I have known her she has been about truth, justice and diversity.  Despite what is going on, she always has a positive note or information that is so outside the box that it makes me smile or ponder why is no one else doing this?

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Excuse me, are you listening? 14-13


Dear Readers,

I am so happy to actually see some sunshine in Michigan.  The flowers are blooming and the vegetable plants are growing as well.  I figure the vegetables will have to grow until October because it did not get warm until the beginning of June. 

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Excuse me, are you listening? 14-11

  Dear Readers,

How often have you heard someone talking about the need to possess a more healthy positive attitude?     It is a subject that is being implemented by many but there are some who only use “positivity”  for certain subjects or certain things

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Excuse me, are you listening? 14-10


Dear Readers,

Why wait to create a bucket list?  A bucket list is a list of all of the goals you want to fulfill, dreams that you have and what you want to experience in your life before you leave this earth.  On May 15, 2015, I rode in the Pride Ride 2015 on a motorcycle.  It was my first time.  I am grateful that I rode.

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Excuse me, are you listening?


Dear Readers,

Most of us are not really paying attention all the time to our behavior and how it may impact others.  If you really want a good idea of what kind of person you are just ask the people who are around you every single day. 

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Excuse me, are you listening? 14-8

Rina Risper, President & Publisher of The New Citizens Press

Dear Readers,

Our nation is going through an interesting time.  Rioting has been occurring all over the world for some time. Each group has specific grievances. Please educate yourself regarding the history before making comments that are ignorant or less than helpful.

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