
Excuse me, are you listening? 13-15

 Dear Readers,

My mother, Kay Carrington, was just in Lansing for a visit.  She is is too funny.  My friend, Belinda Thurston, owner of JustBYoga, is compiling a cookbook.  She asked  some of her friends to contribute.  I can cook.  However, I mostly cook Caribbean food.

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Excuse me are you listening? 13-12


Dear Readers,

Even though summer has just started, it has brought us much rain in Michigan.  I am pleased about it though because the water bill for keeping the plants looking great outside the office will not cost a fortune.  

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Excuse me, are you listening? 13-11

  Dear Readers,

What an interesting two weeks it has been.  This week has been about setting boundaries with people who do inappropriate things or act inappropriately.

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Excuse Me? 13-10

I cannot believe that summer is finally here.  Well, at least I think it is.  I am hoping that we do not see a hail storm or snow this summer but based on our winter, I am not too sure that we will not.


By Rina Risper



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Excuse me, are you listening? 13-4


Dear Readers,

It has been an interesting winter.  I think I have shoveled more this year than I ever have before.  I tell myself,   ”This is awesome way to keep in shape.”
The things that we do to make sure that we are comfortable with the things we are not really happy doing.


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Teen Talk: The Serenity Prayer


By Claudia Kelley
“Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,and the wisdom to know the 

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Excuse me, are you listening? 13-3

  Dear Readers,

Women’s History Month is in March.  I have always found it to be an interesting time.  I make it my business both during February and March to learn an abundance more about black history and women’s history. Being a woman and black, it is important for me to learn more.  I also must get in some Latino history as well.

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Teen Talk: Why Public Education Is Worth Funding


By Claudia Kelley
Throughout the course of my academic career, my educational path has been tremendously nontraditional. From homeschooling to independent learning in a Montessori school, and from parochial school to public education, my unconventional educational transitions are the foundation for who I am as a human, a woman, and a member of society.

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Teen Talk: Eating Disorders and the Media


By Claudia Kelley

The holiday season is upon us once again- the time of year when we can listen to Frank Sinatra classics while shopping for gifts at the mall and spend much needed time with family members. The part of this season that we can easily ignore, however, is the elevated amount of corporate advertising- the majority of which is targeted toward young men and women. This advertising pushes and reaffirms the idea of unattainable perfection and the need to be pretty: a standard of worth that is absolutely inaccurate and unimportant.

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