
Excuse me, are you listening? 15-17

 Dear Readers,

Summer 2016 has been a roller coaster for me.  I think that my children’s schedules have my mind rattling.  Most think of summer as a time of rest, for me it is more hectic.  No beach filled week long vacations or the early morning sounds of the birds only to roll over and get the really good second go round of sleep in. 

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Excuse me, are you listening?

  Dear Readers,

Gardening is one of my favorite hobbies.  My mother had a garden at our home on Long Island.  It was one of her many projects after leaving the concrete and asphalt of Brooklyn, NY.
I actually disliked gardening as a child.  We just knew that weeding interfered with our play time.  It was also very difficult to have a garden due to the sandy soil.  I will never forget my mother going through the process of preparing the soil for planting.  It was a lot of work.

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Excuse me, are you listening?

  Dear Readers,


It is that time to talk about healthy living during the summer.    I have been seeing a lot of people at the pool or beach not using sunscreen. Please protect your family from the sun and heat.

Rina Risper, President & Publisher of The New Citizens Press

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Excuse me, are you listening?


Dear Readers,

Gardening is one of my favorite hobbies.  My mother had a garden at our home on Long Island.  It was one of her many projects after leaving the concrete and asphalt of Brooklyn, NY.

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Excuse me, are you listening?

 Dear Readers,

There are some who say that libraries are a thing of the past and are no longer relevant.  They really do not know what they are talking about!  In my opinion, libraries offer so much more than they ever have to businesses, employees and the community.  My mother learned how to navigate the internet in a class at her local library in Georgia.  


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Excuse me, are you listening? 15-9


Dear Readers,

Violence, bullying and relationships are all related.  I wonder what would happen if there were some strategic problem solving skills in the schools that could stem conflict that actually worked.  I wonder if there would still be so much violence.  

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Teen Talk: Becoming a Teenager

  By Alana Brunson

I recently turned 13!  Becoming a teenager is a big change. Feelings and emotions start to change which lead to a change in actions good and bad. 

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Excuse me, are you listening? 15-8

  Dear Readers,

A trip out of town to check out a new venue was just what the doctor ordered.  I love traveling in Michigan.  No matter where you live explore your state, city or county.

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Excuse me, are you listening? 15-7

  Dear Readers,

Gosh, April has been interesting!  Snow and sun in the same month and it is not even over yet.  However, you can start making your list to prepare for summer.  This is Michigan.  However, it seems as though the same crazy weather patterns are happening all over the United States.  We can blame it on global warming but it is kind of difficult to change the weather.  It is kind of like your life, you may want it to be perfect but it may not always go that way. 

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Excuse me, are you listening?

  Dear Readers,

No one ever wants to think about their favorite artist retiring.  They never seem to age on the cover of the album.  Yes, I said album.  I have no problem dating myself.  I love the time that I grew up in.  
To make a long story short and to understand why a Black child with Caribbean roots would know so much about Barry Manilow, I will explain.

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