
Celebrate the Month of July with Ice Cream

Written by Staci Garcia

It can be served at the end to the meal, as a snack or even as the main attraction at parties. For your next occasion, get creative with ice cream — you can use one of the attached recipes or put together some cool combinations of your own!

Today’s on-the-go families are opting for simple, elegant entertaining. The less time spent in the kitchen, the better. Ice cream is an easy, delicious and, if desired, fancy solution. Old favorites – sundaes, root beer floats, banana splits, milkshakes, pie a-la-mode, and ice cream cones – are among the most popular and simplest choices. However, serving ideas for ice cream are only as limited as your imagination!

Holidays are perfect for ice cream: Strawberry, vanilla and blueberry scoops create a patriotic treat on the patriotic holidays. No one would say "bah humbug" to a Santa Claus ice cream cake on Christmas, and a jack-o-lantern ice cream cake would scare up smiles on Halloween. Thanksgiving wouldn’t be the same without apple pie a la mode. Cherry vanilla ice cream molded into a heart shape is perfect for your Valentine. St. Patrick’s Day begs for mint chocolate chip floats, and Easter calls for molded ice cream eggs. In addition, watch your supermarket’s freezer case for special seasonal flavors!

Ice cream is even more delicious when topped off; try hot fudge, chocolate, caramel or even a special liqueur. Add some whipped cream, nuts, fresh summer fruit, sprinkles or cookies for a real treat. A "build-your-own sundae" party is a great way to get everybody in on the fun any day of the week. And don’t forget the cherry!

If there is no occasion coming up, invent one especially in the summer! Don’t forget that July is National Ice Cream Month and Sunday, July 16, 2006, is National Ice Cream Day. To celebrate, visit one of your local ice cream parlors in your area and take the whole family.

This article was submitted by Staci Garcia who is the Coordinator of Public and Member Relations for the United Dairy Industry of Michigan.