
Commission Announces 23rd Annual MLK Luncheon

LANSING, MI — Tickets are now available for the Greater Lansing Area Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday Commission’s 23rd annual luncheon. The luncheon, held each year to celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., will take place on Monday, Jan. 21 at 11 a.m. in the Lansing Center, 333 Michigan Ave.

Tickets can be purchased at both the East Lansing Hannah Community Center and Lansing City Hall. Tickets are $25 per person or $200 for a table of eight. Tickets can also still be purchased over the phone at (517) 483-7637.

The theme for the 2007 luncheon is “Injustice Anywhere Remains a threat to Justice Everywhere.”

This year’s program will feature keynote speaker Dr. Marc Lamont Hill a 28 year old professor at Temple University and one of the nations leading activist- intellectuals and prolific social commentators. Other highlights of the Jan. 21 program will include the honoring of middle and high school students who participated and placed in the Commission’s essay and scholarship program and a number of special presentations by local talent.
For more information contact the Greater Lansing Area Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday Commission at (517) 483-7637.
Dr. King Celebration Service Set for Tuesday,
January 15th

LANSING, MI — The Pastors United of Lansing will hold their 20th annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. celebration service on Tuesday, January 15, 2008 at St. Stephen’s Community Church, United Church of Christ, located at 1007 Kimberly Drive (near Grand River and Chester) on Lansing’s east side.  The service begins at 7:00 PM. 

Each year the area pastors honor Dr. King’s life and ministry with a service on his birthday, January 15th.  The greater Lansing community is welcome.

“This year we honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and will hold a special tribute for the late Rev. Dr. J.E. Graves, who founded the Pastor’s Conference of Greater Lansing and led the effort to name a street in Lansing after Dr. King.”, said Rev. Dr. Michael C. Murphy, the Host Pastor of the celebration.  “We want to focus on Dr. King’s dream and what it means for our youth today.  We are committed to working together this year to uplift and encourage our youth.” 

The Rev. Walter Gibson, Pastor of the Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church, will be the keynote preacher.  Superintendent Samuel Duncan, Pastor of the Lansing Church of God in Christ will be the Master of Ceremonies and a special mass choir will be under the direction of Elder Larry Trice, Jr., Pastor of Tabernacle of David Church.  The celebration is free and open to the public.  A special offering will benefit the Black Child and Family Institute.  For more information, call (517) 484-2180.