
Community Action Network Responds to Violence During Fourth of July Parade

Left:Celebrating the memories:  Monica Blackwell, mother of Domonique Ardister, holds white balloons for her son who was murdered on May 25, 2012 during the Fourth of July parade. TNCP photo


 Down:Domestic Violence:  Rosalyn Williams-Griffin supporting of her relative 2-year old Brandon Kemp who died on died on April 30, 2012. 

TNCP photo    


LANSING, MI — In almost 100 degree weather over 140 people marched in the T.E.A.M. 517 – Stop the Violence entry in the Fourth of July parade.

Before the parade began, parents introduced themselves to one another and lamented on their circumstances regarding their particular cases.

Monica Blackwell’s son, Domonique Ardister was murdered on May 25, 2012.  She along with other family members are still in the grieving process.  The offender has not been caught as of yet.  

Monica Blackwell said, “It really helped to hear from others about the different stages of grief and realize that I’m not alone. I think we should continue to make our presence known in the community.”

She had the opportunity to meet John Edmond, who is involved with the Keep the P.E.A.C.E., Stop the Silence group from the Lansing Police Department.  It is his hope that people begin to speak up about the senseless crime that is occurring.  His daughter, Amaia Edmond was shot and killed in July of 2010.

John Edmond said, “The violence is not going to stop but at least we as  a community can come together to support those who have been impacted by violence.  The entire community is being exposed to violence and we need to do something about it.  Don’t wait until it happens to someone in your family.”

The evening of the Fourth of July, a woman was found near the boat docking area of Adado Riverfront Park during the annual fireworks celebration around 9:45 p.m., suffering from an apparent seizure.  It was later found that she suffered a gunshot wound to the head  and subsequently died from the wound.

16-year-old Levon Wilson,  was shot and killed on July 8th in an apparenat driveby shooting. 

Mayor Virg Bernero has stated that in response to the rash of gun violence the curfew will be enforced.

The city code states that anyone 12 and under must be home from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. The curfew is midnight for those ages 13-16.

Lansing is starting a gun buy back program in an attempt to get firearms off the streets.  They have already raised quite a bit towards its implementation.

This was printed in the July 15, 2012 – July 28, 2012 Edition