
Community Resource Connection

By Latasha A. McWright
TNCP Guest Writer

This month of March, many of us are  in the middle of our New Year’s weight loss resolutions and summer is right around the corner!  Healthy eating habits have to become a priority for the whole family!  This is not only good for your weight loss goals, but also your general health and wellness.  We’ve located a few programs in our community that can help improve your health, diet, as well as managing your meals on a budget!

MSU Extension office offers two programs:
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education – You will learn how to make healthy choices, quick & easy meal recipes, budgeting your food dollar, and tips on dining out.
Requirements: Must live in Ingham County, be a recipient of EBT (Food Benefits), or be Food Benefit eligible (even if not currently receiving EBT).

Expanded Food Nutrition Education Program – Will show you how to choose & prepare tasty meals and snacks with fewer calories & fat, stretch your food dollars, meal planning & shopping lists.

Requirements: Must live in Ingham County, Have Children 0-19 years of age, & have limited income.

Both these programs are tailored to meet your needs and can take place right in the convenience of your own home!

The program can also be taught in small groups, neighborhood centers, or at the MSU Extension office in Lansing.  You can call 517-887-4588 to sign up for both these programs!

Do you want to see a topic in the next Community Resource Connection column, have you tried one of the resources and want to share your experience?  Need help connecting with services? Please email Latasha McWright at lmcwright@hotmail.com.

March 27, 2011 – April 9, 2011 Edition