

Miami Heat star Dwyane Wade helped a South Florida family displaced by fire by purchasing a new home for them – and just in time for Christmas.

When the NBA star heard the plight of Dawn Smith, whose nephew accidentally burned down her home and ruined all the family’s possessions, Wade knew he had to do something.     

On Wednesday, the athlete presented Smith the keys to a new house, along with some furnishings, clothing and gifts to make sure her family had a joyous holiday, reports the Associated Press.     

His Wade’s World foundation will make some payments on the home, while Smith and her family get back on their feet.     

"That’s what I try to teach my kids," said Wade, whose foundation has hosted several charity events this holiday season, mostly for needy children. "It’s not about what you’re going to receive — it’s what you can give to others from what you’ve received."

Wade’s other holiday events this year included a party for 350 children on Monday, and hosting 100 kids at Tuesday night’s Heat game against the Golden State Warriors. He also donated $10,000 to each of three children’s organizations, but said he was particularly touched by being able to assist the Smith family.     

"We can help this family have a new beginning," Wade said.

This story was reprinted with permission from www.eurweb.com.