
Debutantes 2008: Ikea Alexis Smith

Ikea Alexis Smith


Ikea Alexis Smith,17, is a senior at Holt High School, where she diligently maintains a 3.67 GPA, while taking honors and Advanced Placement classes.   She was inducted into the National Honor Society, where she currently serves as the Corresponding Secretary. She is actively involved in numerous academic and extra curriculum programs in Lansing and the Metropolitan area;  some of which includes;  Student Council, International Student Club, French Club, Detroit Urban League College Club, Holt Rams Varsity Volley Ball, Track & Field, and the Varsity Tennis Team.  She was elected as Homecoming Queen Court.  Additionally, Ikea has participated in other academic enrichment programs including 4-H Club (of Eaton Rapids), Explore Africa (of High Achievers), King –Chavez-Parks (KCP) Program, Health Professional Summer Science Academy (Michigan State University); and Young Achievers (YMCA).


Ikea has been a member of the Les Meres et Debutantes Club since 2004.  She is currently the 2008 Grade Level President.  During this time, she has participated in many community service projects and activities including Advent House Ministries, American Cancer Society Walk-A-Strides, Lansing Area Crop Walks, Salvation Army Bears and Dolls Projects, Ronald McDonald House, a Hostess at both the Martin Luther King Annual Benefit Luncheon and the Ebony Fashion Fair (Wharton Center). 


Ikea is a faithful and active member of the Lansing Church of God in Christ.  She currently serves as the Youth Hospitality/Greeter President, Children’s Church Ministries Youth Assistant, Rhema Dance Ministry Member and Youth Ministries Member.  Ikea is employed with the Capital Area Reading Coalition, where she embraces the opportunity to tutor and work with challenged children in the Lansing area.


Some of Ikea’s awards and special recognitions received are as follows: Distinguished Scholar Academic Award (Holt High School), President Bush’s Volunteer Community Service Awards (Gold, Silver & Bronze), Varsity Lettering Tennis Award, National Achievers Society Award (Detroit Urban League in collaboration with the National Urban League and the Congress of National Black Churches), Scholastic Motivation Awards, Kettering University College of Engineering Scholarship Award (summer of 2007), Youth Doing the Right Thing Recognition (DUL), Holt High School Student Spotlight (twice), and numerous Les Meres et Debutantes Community Service Awards.  She has also received special recognition from both Major Virg Bernero and Governor Jennifer Granholm.


Ikea’s future plans are to pursue studies in Human Biology Research, while attending either the University of Texas or Texas A & M.