
During Winter Hazards Awareness Week State Police Urge Michiganders to Prepare for Winter Safety

Photo by Nathan Wolfe on Unsplash

Winter Hazards Awareness Week is November 3-9

LANSING, MI — As temperatures drop and winter approaches, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has declared November 3-9 as Winter Hazards Awareness Week. The Michigan State Police, Emergency Management and Homeland Security Division (MSP/EMHSD) urges Michiganders to prioritize winter emergency preparedness to stay safe during the season.

“It’s been a mild, warmer fall across the state this year, but we all know what is coming next,” said Capt. Kevin Sweeney, deputy state director of Emergency Management and Homeland Security and commander of the MSP/EMHSD. “We encourage everyone to take steps to ensure you and your family are ready for the cold, ice, and snow we expect in the winter season ahead.”

Severe winter weather poses health and safety risks, from extreme cold and freezing pipes to potential propane shortages and power outages. To be ready for winter, MSP/EMHSD recommends these key steps:  

Preparing Your Home for Winter:

  • Weatherproof your home by installing weather-stripping, caulking, and insulation to walls, doors, and windows.
  • Insulate water lines along exterior walls to reduce the risk of frozen pipes.
  • Lock in a propane rate now and have a backup heating plan, such as a generator, wood stove, or fireplace.
  • Have a professional inspect your gas or oil furnaces and replace the air filter.
  • Schedule a fireplace and chimney inspection; contact your local fire department for a referral or look for a local inspector online.
  • Install battery-operated carbon monoxide (CO) detectors near all sleeping areas. CO poisoning risks increase when furnaces are in use and during power outages, when people often use portable generators.
  • Clean gutters to prevent ice dams that can lead to interior damage, and clear storm drains to avoid basement flooding.
  • Keep an emergency kit in your home with water, non-perishable food, a first aid kit, extra batteries, a hand-crank or battery-powered radio, emergency lighting, flashlights, blankets, and warm clothing.

 Preparing Your Vehicle for Winter:

  • Service your radiator system, replace windshield wipers, and use winter-grade wiper fluid.
  • Replace worn tires and check tire pressure regularly.
  • Have your brakes, brake fluid, oil, battery, heater, and exhaust inspected.
  • Store an emergency kit in your vehicle with items like batteries, a hand-crank or battery-powered radio, flashlight, scraper, jumper cables, mobile charger, shovel, blankets, first aid kit, non-perishable food, and bottled water in case you get stranded.

For more information on preparing for winter hazards, visit www.michigan.gov/miready or follow MSP/EMHSD on X at @MichEMHS.

The Michigan State Police, Emergency Management and Homeland Security Division is responsible for coordinating state and federal resources to assist local government in response and relief activities in the event of an emergency or disaster, as well as coordinating homeland security initiatives and various federal grants.