By Anir Senyah-The New Citizens Press
LANSING, MI — Rev. Reynard N. Blake, Jr., Executive Director of Greater Lansing African American Health Institute (GLAAHI) was a speaker recently at a prayer breakfast sponsored by District 4 of the International Masons and Order Eastern Stars District 4 hosted by Lee Taylor.
In front of almost 100 attendees, Rev. Blake pointed out that a little over 11% of all African Americans aged 20 or older have diabetes. That is over 2.5 million people.
He said, “What is most dangerous about that figure, is that 1/3 of the people do not know that they have diabetes. Nearly 900,000 African Americans do not know they have the disea se.”
He stated that there are life threatening consequences of diabetes such as heart disease and stroke. Other complications could include blindness, kidney disease or amputations he told the attentive audience.
He added that diabetes can be controlled through diet and exercise and unfortunately as of now diabetes has no cure.
He said that people should get themselves checked for diabetes. He recommends that individuals get more checkupsand explore our own family medical history.
He stated that it is wonderful that the Eastern Stars are raising funds and awareness regarding African Americans and diab etes.
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“The event sounded the alarm about African American health and disparities that African Americans are dealing with” , said For more information about diabetes log on to or For more information about diabetic shoes contact Jerry Cullen at 517-896-9882.
Michigan Issues Unified Strategic Plan To Combat Diabetes