
Eco-friendly Fashion-Take old pieces and make them new!

By Ashia Sims

I know I’m always talking about stores like Target, Walmart and Dots when it comes to finding great clothes at reasonable prices. Well there is another way you can update your wardrobe without spending much or any money at all; closet shopping. I know that all of us have clothes and shoes in our closets that we haven’t worn in years (or ever with the tags still on). Now is the time to take those pieces out and reconsider them. Before you give them to charity, consider tweaking them some.

Eco-Fashion and Clothing Reconstruction is a wonderful way to take those pieces that you don’t wear any more and turn them into something that you would wear.

I’ve done something similar with t-shirts where I may cut a slit down the front and shorten the sleeves to make it more chic and sexy. However, I am no seamstress (yet. I’m determined to get better at sewing) so here is a link to a post from the blog, Beauty Made Fresh, where Chelsea Hoffman goes into more detail and even shows a piece that she reconstructed.

I hope this column inspires some of you to go closet shopping and reconstruct some of your own pieces. If you do, please share!!

Send me a picture of the piece you reconstructed (preferably with you wearing it) to info at cluelessfashionista dot com.

Ashia Sims is a  writer and blogger that works in television and film production. Clueless Fashionista is dedicated to making fashion fun and easy to understand. Visit her website at  www.ashiasims.com and blog at http://cluelessfashionista.com.

This was printed in the November 21, 2010 – December 4, 2010 edition.