
Excuse Me? 13-10


Dear Readers,

I cannot believe that summer is finally here.  Well, at least I think it is.  I am hoping that we do not see a hail storm or snow this summer but based on our winter, I am not that sure we will not. 

I am loving the heat though and I wish that Michigan had palm trees and a multitude of sunshine until December but we do not.  It was a long winter for the nation I believe.  We are just starting to warm up a bit.  I have not even had time to pack up all of the winter clothes.

Speaking of winter clothes and winter, be prepared for it.  Get your boots and take them to the shoemaker.  Women there is nothing like the sound of the metal from a worn heel on the side walk. Men there is nothing like worn heels on your boots and winter shoes as well.  Take care of yourselves so that the stress of winter will not come back to bite you when it gets here.

It is so cumbersome to do things in the winter too.  Actually, too cold.  So while you are getting your shoes fixed, put your coats in the cleaners and make sure you sew or have someone sew all of your loose buttons back on. 

I do not think I will ever forget the frigid winter of 2013/2014 or the electrical blackout.  We were without power for many days and it was odd that there was not a plan for it.  However, you can have a plan for your family.  You can put batteries in your flashlights and make sure that everyone knows where it is.  You can also have a plan for emergency prepardness for your family when it come to where to meet or how to escape if there is a fire in your home.

Take care of your family first, enjoy the summer and prepare and prosper!

Love people,

Rina Risper