
Excuse Me… 4-18

      As I sit and write this article, I am in the middle of a two-week vacation from my job.
     Needless to say, I am very happy about getting this time off. It may not be true, but it’s as if I have worked harder this year than any other that I can think of.
       Maybe it is because I am getting older, or that I have a three-year old, four-year old and thirteen-year old calling my name all the time.
     Do not get me wrong. I love my children. But … man! Sometimes you just want to. You know what I mean. Maybe it is that my job is becoming more and more demanding, and no one understands but me. Or that our newspaper (The New Citizens Press) is growing very fast and I am feeling pressure to do more work with it. It might be all of the above. The bottom line is that I am tired and needed this break.
     During the first few days of my vacation, I have not done much of anything. And that is tough on me because I have some things that need my attention, vacation or not. I’m finishing the drywall project in the family room that was started months ago. You know the old saying: The mind is willing but the body is weak.
  Well, that is where I am in regards to that. So for now, I will just have to put up with those looks from my wife, Rina, until I can get it done. As I think about it, most of us do not work because we want to. We work because we think we have to work for money. And that is OK, because for the most part that is true.
     The problem is that sometimes that is all that we do. I must lift my hand to that one. I am guilty. We forget that life is more than work.
     Life is also about balance. In order to have balance, we must do more than work.
        What about doing something fun? We need fun things to help keep our minds off of work.
      How about rest? I am not talking sleeping to get ready for the next day of work. But resting the mind and the body from all activity.
     What about solitude? We must not overlook the importance of taking some time off for ourselves. A day away from the hustle and bustle of life and people is good for the soul — call it a mental health break. You do not want to go crazy, do you? Work is necessary, but it is not the only thing required to move ahead.
     Remember that all work and no play may give us a balanced checkbook, but it can also give us an unbalanced mind. Remember to trust in God only, keep the faith, and seek after a pure heart. God will be pleased.