
Excuse Me 4-2

Excuse me, are
you listening?

Dear Readers,

  This is Part II continued from February 6 – February 19, 2005 No.4 Vol.2

     I heard Anissa yell out, “ Get in Amir…. Yucky, you have a booger in your nose, go wipe your nose first.”
      What could they possibly be doing I thought to myself.  I half had the mind to tell the  guy on the phone that I had to go.  But he was at the good part…. he was telling me that big office supply stores were giving out free cartridges but there was a catch.
     In the background I heard,  “Put your feet in, put your feet in.  Come on, you’re taking too long.”
     I had to remind myself the next time I get on the faxphone to make sure the cord was not a twisted mess, this multitasking business was not working out…

    As I tried to concentrate on the caller, I heard Anissa say, “I am the big sister, you have to listen to me.”
     My eyes rolled up into my head and I thought out loud, “What could they possibly be doing?”
     To my surprise, the caller responded back, “We are calling about trying to get you great rates on ink cartridges….”
     I explained that I was not speaking to him and that I was talking to myself.  He must have thought I was batty.
     He replied with a cautious, “Oh,all right.” He immediately followed with a nervous cackle.
     I tried to stretch the cord just hoping that I would get a glimpse of “Thing 1” and “Thing 2”.  My mind was racing as I caught a glimpse of Anissa’s pony tail flying by as she looked at me with a “good she is still on the telephone” look.
     He went on again to explain the company and the products. At that point, I want ed to tell him to hurry up.
    The last time I was on the phone and there was complete silence.  We had made a major discovery.  However, our discovery did not come until later in the afternoon.
    Anissa and Amir had maneuvered their way, into the kitchen cabinet.  For those of you who are not aware, we are currently renovating a house that is over 100 years old.  It used to be a duplex so it is perfect for a home/office space.  The ceilings are high and the house is huge. 
    The built in cabinets sit high off of the floor but not high enough for those two.  They had pulled the kitchen chairs up to the cabinet and ate a whole box of Hostess donuts.  The whole box.  How did I not know!!!  They were smart enough to leave the empty box in the cabinet.  A two and three year old manipulating the adult world of “no it is too early to have donuts”.
    My husband came in later that afternoon and advised me that he saw them eating donuts and the whole box was gone.
    Imagine what I was thinking when I heard Anissa shout, “Come on baby.”  They were rolling around in something.
    I said to the caller, “How much is this package going to cost.”  He told me it would be free.  Free.  Why did he have to say free.  I wanted him to give me a price so that I could go.  After two minutes, he told me that the first one was free but they had to send three and their would be a price for the other two and could he charge my credit card.
    I love owning my own business because I can really tell people how I feel.  I told him that he was very misleading and that he should have told me how the program worked.  He then explained to me that the big office supply stores are doing the same thing and offering paper too.  He went on to say that the paper that they are giving out is designed to absorb more ink, therefore, you have to buy more.  Wow-wee I thought. By this time, “Thing 1” and “Thing 2” were laughing and giggling up a storm. 
    My paranoia was getting the best of me.  I was smelling perfume, imagining smoke, and having visions of one of Anissa’s previous antics of trying to put mascara on Amir’s eyes.  We all can imagine what a mess Amir looked like.  Anissa responded with, “It was an accident.  I am sooooooo sorry.”
   I thanked the caller for giving me the information and advised him to call me back.
   After hanging up the phone, I cursed myself for not charging the phone.  I walked out of my office scared.  I could not see anything in the waiting room so I proceeded to the living area and there they were.  There was no smoke and no perfume but there were papers everywhere. 
    My mind was racing.  In a split second, I tried to size up the magnitude of whatever had just occurred.  Amir was sitting in my filing cabinet with wheels and every paper that was in was strewn around on the floor.  They even had attached a hanger to it so Anissa could wheel him around with ease. 
    I wasn’t upset but rather overwhelmed and began to laugh.  They were becoming quite ingenious. Keeping me on my toes or I should say on my hands and knees picking up things.  My job of putting everything back together from that one escapade is still not complete.
    But I was giving Anissa a bath one day and she draped two washcloths over her arms and started flapping her arms.  Water and bubbles were splashed everywhere making another mess to take me away from another task at hand.
     Amir was right there with his arm in the water assisting in making the mess.
     Anissa shouted out, “See mommy, I am an angel.  I have wings.”  They both screamed with happiness. 
     While trying to hold Amir’s arm, I replied, “Yes, baby, you are an angel.  God sent you to keep me on my toes.”
     Amir had managed to slip out of my grasp and right into the tub fully dressed.  They both screamed and splash.  My final thought was, “God, you sure have a great sense of humor.  I thank you though for all three of my angels here on earth.”


Rina N. Risper