
Excuse me, are you listening? 10-21

Dear Readers,
Thanksgiving is a very special time for most.  It is a time when friends and family should be giving thanks for all of the blessings that have been bestowed upon them during the year.
For others, it is a time to reflect on what they have lost during the year.  Oftentimes, we forget about our friends and family that are still grieving about the death of a family member or the loss of a job. Others may be still grieving about a divorce.  
Being empathetic and reflective should help you understand also that it is not your decision or right to put a time frame on how long a person should grieve for. If you decide to reach out be mindful that the person may say no as well.  If you want to be helpful and don’t know what to do or say just send a general card or call.
The most difficult time of year for those who suffer is November and December.  
I am sure that you were touched by the kindness of others during a period of grieving.  Even though there are resources available and counseling, some just need to be called or invited to spend time with your family.
It helps the grieving process when others comfort in a sincere manner.
The holidays are also especially difficult for those in foster care.  Post foster care college students also need attention because most do not have anywhere to go for the holidays.  Be mindful of that when your child is coming home to spend the holidays with you.  If you have the resources, ask if they know anyone that may need to spend the holidays with a family.
A seat may be empty at the Thanksgiving table or a gift may be missing from under the Christmas tree but you have the ability to reach out.  Do something different.
Love people,
Rina Risper
P.S. Please remember to vote on November 8th.  
This was printed in the November 6, 2011 – November 19, 2011 Edition