
Excuse Me, Are You Listening? 10-3


Dear Readers,

Our anniversary party was a great success!   The Creole Gallery at 1218 Turner Street was packed to the brim.  We also had to use Favorites Cafe which is right next door to the Creole Gallery. Please support both.  Favorites is open on Saturday until 3:00 pm.
It was an amazing time and I thank all of those who came out to support us.  
We have many things coming up that celebrate our history here in Lansing. One for sure is “Poetry in the City” on the Capital Steps,  at 7:00 pm – 9 pm on Thursday, July 21, 2011 which is in its 6th year and Que’n With Kids which is in its 3rd year. A firm date is yet to be set but it will be in August.
After the success of our anniversary party, we are interested in finding young people who want  an opportunity to perform.  
Our children do not have places to perform any more.  Interesting how the Jackson 5 and Shirley Temple were able to perform with bigger groups at bars but today it is shunned upon even if you bring your children before 9:00 pm.  Where is our talent practicing to be stars on Broadway?  Where are they performing in front of people that they don’t know so they can get through those jitters and find confidence? Ah, we need to do something.  Contact me if you know talented young people.  I would like to put together an event that is not school related but city related where parents and friends can come an enjoy a show!  It will only be as amazing as I think it will be with your help.
Sign up to my Facebook page and follow me on Twitter.  
Rina Risper