
Excuse me, are you listening? 11-25

Dear Readers,
What are you waiting for?  Why not live your life to its fullest now?  The cycle of life will continue with or without you.  That is one fact that is not going to change.  Reflection, renewal and revival is our mantra in 2013. The new year should be a time to really assess the difference between business and personal, friendships and acquaintances and  keeping promises to yourself instead of just making them.  For the past two years I have shared the photo that goes to my new year letter with my good friends.  Hold yourself accountable for your own happiness.  
Travel more.  Get your passport and make no excuses find solutions.  We will be printing a lot of travel articles in 2013, even if you are not planning on traveling abroad try to visit local places of interest.  
Have more friends who actually support and care about you as a human being not for what you bring to the table monetarily but spiritually and mentally.  Negative peer pressure at any age should be unacceptable.
We live multicultural time.  Being one race, culture, mindset and putting people in a box based on appearance no longer works.  The New Citizens Press will continue to focus on diverse issues and all people.  We are all human beings.
We had some excellent guest writers and we still do.    We have stopped delivering at some places and created new relationships with others.  Overall, in my opinion niche newspapers are not going anywhere.  Not everyone can afford a kindle or a computer yet.  We will grow and morph along with the technology.   Our website traffic has increased by 13% from 2011.  We are providing value added by also posting our advertisers  to facebook, Linkedin and twitter.  We combined have access to over 11,000 social media contacts.  
We are dedicated to the community that we serve and wish you less stress and more productivity this year.   Do what is best for you and your family.  You only live once is not just a saying, it should be a way of life.  If you fear it, try it once.
We are always still looking for your point of view because you have been most important to us since the idea for a newspaper was birthed in 2001.  We look forward to another spectacular year. 
Love people,
Rina Risper
This was printed in the December 30, 2012 – January 12, 2013 Edition