
Excuse me, are you listening? 12-10

Dear Readers,
I have been really happy this week. We get so wrapped up in our issues that we do not realize that being happy is important.  I recognize that when I complain about some issues that I do not really have, I am only hurting myself.  Putting  it out into the universe does not make it any easier to deal with.  I am still learning that with good friends who make me laugh when I do not have the ability to separate work from play but everything is a learning lesson in love.
I know some really nice people who are moving away from Lansing who really exposed me to young fathers and their plight.  In June of 2012, I went to a seminar entitled “Young Fathers and Responsible Behavior” it was given by New Young Fathers (www.newyoungfathers.com).  I was riveted to my seat while I listened to young men who wanted to be fathers to their children talk about being denied that right by the mother.  I was dumbstruck at how many children are used as pawns.  During the workshop, they asked ‘What is a father?’
I handed pieces of paper to my children to write down their response.  I was surprised that they were really into it.
Everyone had great responses.  My children did too.  Amir was 9 at the time and he wrote,” A father is a second word for daddy.  So a father is your dad and someone who takes care of you.  They live with you.  They help train you.  If you have a problem they will help you solve it.”
I wondered how many people really thought about the impact of fathers and the impact that fathers have who are not in their children’s lives. 
It is heartbreaking to see this occurring.  I believe that there is a turnaround as I see more fathers taking responsibility for their children.  I see more father’s taking responsibility for other’s children.  For some it is not about only having another man around or “father-figure”.  These men are amazing and so are the mothers who are single who have been holding it down.  It really is not fair to anyone.  
I love all of the women in my life and love them as mothers.  I give them respect and honor as women who have weathered the storm.  They are still not fathers.  They may feel that way but until we begin to realize that is not going to help the situation of someone becoming a better father the better off we will be.  There are way too many emotions though involved with this issue.  We need to talk over so many things as human beings.  
I made someone I love very angry with me stating that I did not think mothers should celebrate Father’s Day for themselves.  I still do not but respect mothers who do it.  I would celebrate the “good fathers” I have been exposed to.  We cannot agree on everything nor can we make anyone be who they are not or do what they do not want to do.
We can be all right with the space that we are in.  We can continually write.  If you mail them, it may not come back with the answer that you were expecting but at least we  can be respectful of opinion and we can love.  
On another note, The New Citizens Press is having their 12th Anniversary Party. As a thank you to all that have supported us and helped us grow along the way, you are cordially invited to join us on Friday June 21, 2013 at Rumrunners in downtown Lansing at 601 E. Michigan.
Mention The New Citizens Press OR Rina Risper at the door for free entry and free food. The party starts at 6 p.m. with food being served from 6:30-8:30 p.m. The Luau Buffet will include Caesar salad, dinner rolls, pulled pork sandwiches, meatballs and dessert. There will be a cash bar available and the Piano Bar Show begins at 7 p.m. upstairs.
There will NOT be a Lugnuts game on this day so plenty of parking will be available on the block of Rumrunners.
Please consider attending.  We will also have #LovePeople teeshirts for sale.
Love People,
Rina Risper
P.S.  You can find us on Linkedin, Twitter and facebook.  Social media has been very interesting for us.  I try to get to know each person and have now made it my business to meet a new facebook friend each month.  I hope you have been feeling spectacular.
This was printed in the June 2, 2013 – June 15, 2013 Edition