
Excuse me, are you listening? 12-11

Dear Readers,
It is always my ultimate goal to find things, meetings and resources that help people.  The one thing I know to be true is that most people are trying to better themselves.  It is of utmost importance.  That being said, check out Alicia Hill’s blog.  Let me know what you think about it. Here is her article:
Make A Decision To Change Your Life And Then Move Forward (If You Dare)
By Alicia R Hill 
You have made it to a ripe age of, (you fill in the blank) and you have been unhappily settling for less than your best from yourself for far too long so finally you have made up your mind to make a decision to change your life, which does serve you by giving you the momentary peace of mind that life is finally going to shift for you.
Unfortunately, you have left out a very important step in the process and I want to support you in actualizing the life that matches what you see when you close your eyes and imagine a different life; that is known as your “Inner Vision”.
The step that I am referring to, which most people step right over, is:
Move Forward.
The operative word here for you to pay attention to is: Move.
You see, you can say all day that you are going to make a decision, however, it is not until you make a move that you activate the potential energy held within the intention to make a decision.
Here are a few tips to keep in mind as you make a decision in the future:
1. Be mindful not to over-think your options.
Although the decision making process feels like you need to spend a lot of time weighing options, and while that is certainly part of the process, I want to caution you not to get stuck there as most people do. When you get stuck, you will overlook the obvious because your mind goes into panic because the feeling of stuckness sends a signal of “trapped” to yourself.
2. Give yourself a time frame for how long you will spend before you make a decision.
Your mind likes to know where the boundaries are so employing this concept can be very supportive to your process.
3. Do not get caught in the illusion of keeping your options open. That is a trap.
By its very definition, the word “de-cide” means to eradicate all other options. Your unwillingness to allowing doors to close so that your life can truly change is sometimes the reason you end up looking back and saying to yourself, “I made a poor decision”.
4. Once you make a decision, move forward with your entire being.
Leave no part of yourself behind. With enthusiasm, allow the new decision that you have made to move you, shift you and you will see a brand new world emerge from what was your previous life.
So head on over to http://WorkWithAlicia.com and you’ll see the sign up box right at the top of my blog, right there is the header, you can’t miss it! You’ll see my Free Training Vault listed down the right column of my blog. Go Get It!
Please consider attending our party the invite is on Page 3 and bring some friends.  We will also have #LovePeople teeshirts for sale.
Love People,
Rina Risper
P.S.  You can find us on Linkedin, Twitter and facebook.  Social media has been very interesting for us.  I try to get to know each person and have now made it my business to meet a new facebook friend each month.  I hope you have been feeling spectacular.
This was printed in the June 16, 2013 – June 29, 2013 Edition