
Excuse me, are you listening? 13-2

 Dear Readers,

It is still snowing outside and some are becoming weary.  I personally love it. Even as the temperature reads 3 degrees. I love everything about Lansing because I live here.  There is nothing to complain about because I find the beauty in almost everything.
There are very few things that I do not like or will complain about profusely.  There are very few people I dislike.  I find some endearing and others just do not have enough light for me to allow their darkness to enter my space.  Have you ever thought about just not letting negativity get in the way of how you are living your life.  I like peacefulness.  It is  all up to me and how I choose to dicate my life.  
I choose to enjoy Michigan.  It always has me down on bended knee as if I am proposing.  Yes, I would like the snow to stop but if it does not, I will bend my knees slightly with each shovel  of snow that is thrown.  There is a right way and a wrong way to do everything.  Why put extra stress on yourself or become upset about the things you cannot change.
To prepare yourself for what may come, check your supplies.  I have been telling my friends to prepare since October.  It is the best time to get all of the supplies that you need.  Make all of the necessary repairs and check to see if you need an oil change, new batteries in your flashlight or windsheild wipers.  Oh my, how we love to procrastinate.  It does nothing but add to the stressfulness of the day.  It builds up like molten lava.  Indeed, it may simmer for years or it may bubble over.  The intensity is based on how you handle it.
The same goes for people who try to get under your skin.  Find something beautiful to concentrate on.  Begin the process of letting go or at least tell yourself that you are more important than the last thing that was an irritant.  It could be snow or that bogged down feeling that you are not getting enough work done.  However, if you are trying that is all that counts.  Give yourself credit for keeping up with making yourself happy.  Remember, life is too short.  Yes, it sounds cliche but when you leave this earth, it will still snow and some people will still be drowning in their own negativity.
Breathe, recognize and let it go.  Again, you are the most important person to you. Never forget that.
In other news, I am excited to say that Trenton Smiley is the new marketing and communications director for the Capital Area District Libraries (CADL); the 13-branch system serving 23 municipalities in Ingham County. Smiley was CADL’s director of marketing and resource development from 2004 to 2009.
He comes to CADL from the Genesee District Library, a 19-branch system in Genesee County. At the Genesee District Library, Smiley was responsible for all internal and external marketing and communications, media relations, crisis communications, creative services, resource development and promotions of the library’s overall brand.
In this new position, he will provide strategic leadership for the library’s integrated marketing and communications, including media, public relations, promotions and advertising.
Smiley has 14 years of experience marketing libraries and earned a MBA in Marketing from Baker College Center for Graduate Studies.
I absolutely love going to the library and enjoy what it has to offer.  I have my library card and my entire family does as well.  It is important to expose your children to the library.  When they go to college or pursue any type of higher education, the library will be their best friend.
For those who are experiencing changes in their lives such as diabetes or celiac disease, the library provides many books and cookbooks to serve your needs.  It is the best place to check out information or books before you buy.Curl up with a book and stay warm!
Love People,
Rina Risper
This was printed in the February 9, 2014 – February 22, 2014 edition.