
Excuse me, are you listening? 13-3

 Dear Readers,

Women’s History Month is in March.  I have always found it to be an interesting time.  I make it my business both during February and March to learn an abundance more about black history and women’s history. Being a woman and black, it is important for me to learn more.  I also must get in some Latino history as well. In February, I even purchased a book about President Abraham Lincoln.  I am hoping that it will be one of the two books, I plan on reading this year.  I read a lot but seldom have time to read full length books.  However, I use reference books a lot, which I just realized when someone made a comment about how worn and tattered one of my books were.  I was actually flattered in my eccentric kind of way.
I have also decided to look at who locally I can find inspiration in and there are many groups that do that.  I found that when you have conversations with women or individuals you respect, it gives you an opportunity to inquire about what is going on in their lives.  
On March 6  The  Lansing/East  Lansing  Chapter  of  The  Links,  Incorporated  will  celebrate  
Women’s  History  Month  by  hosting  its  fourth  annual  White  Rose  Gala  on  Wednesday,  March  5  from  5:30  p.m.  to  7:30  p.m.  at  the  Huntington  Club  (Overlooking  Spartan  Stadium), on  the  campus  of  Michigan  State  University.   
During  this  strolling  reception,  the  Links  will  present  the  Young  Professional  Leadership  and  Organizational  Leadership  ATHENA  Awards  and  will  highlight  the  chapter’s  ongoing  community  service  efforts.  This  dynamic  event  provides  the  community  with  an  opportunity  to  network  with  leaders  from  the  business,  legal,  health,  and  education  sectors.  
“It  is  our  honor  to  recognize  this  year’s  award  recipients  who  have  demonstrated  the highest  levels  of  personal  and  professional  accomplishments  while  advancing  the  development  and  leadership  of  women  in  our  community,”  said  Dr.  Sonya  Gunnings-Moton,  President  of  the  Lansing/East  Lansing  Links.  
Shenetra  Moses,  General  Assembly  Launch  Manager  for  General  Motors  Company  –  Lansing  Grand  River,  will  receive  the  Young  Professional  Leadership  Award.  “Shenetra  has  been  an  instrumental  part  in  the  launch  of  the  2014  Cadillac  CTS,”  said  Tony  Francavilla,  Lansing regional  plant  manager.  “Her  strong  work  ethic  and  personal  commitment  to  quality  is  obvious  in  everything  she  does.”  
Gillespie  Group,  a  real  estate  development  and  property  management  firm,  will  receive  the  Organizational  Leadership  Award.  “There  is  nothing  more  rewarding  than  helping  someone  achieve  their  full  potential,”  said  Rachel  Michaud,  vice  president  at  Gillespie  Group.  “At  Gillespie  Group,  we  have  created  a  culture  that  is  especially  supportive  of  women  as  they  develop  into  the  leaders  of  tomorrow.”  
Guest  presenters  of  the  ATHENA  Awards  during  the  White  Rose  Gala  include  a  former  ATHENA  Award  recipient,  Paula  Cunningham,  President  and  CEO  of  Capitol  National  Bank  
(member  of  the  Lansing/East  Lansing  Links,  Incorporated),  and  Dr.  Jacqueline  D.  Taylor,  a  consultant  and  entrepreneur  and  former  member  of  the  Board  of  Directors  for  ATHENA  
Tickets  are  available  for  purchase  for  $45.    
For  more  information,   access  the  Links’  website:  www.lansingeastlansinglinksinc.org. 
There are some really awesome things going on in your community.  Just ask the people who you respect.  Also look into trying something new.  You can find different things to do in any newspaper.  If you choose to feel uncomfortable, bring someone with you who will keep you company while you are meeting new people.  Expound on the positive qualities of the evening and use them as a learning lesson for what you will choose to do the next outing.  For crying out loud, do something different.
Love People,
Rina Risper
This was printed in the February 23, 2014 – March 8, 2014 edition.