
Excuse me, are you listening? 13-4

 Dear Readers,

It has been an interesting winter.  I think I have shoveled more this year than I ever have before.  I tell myself,   ”This is awesome way to keep in shape.”
The things that we do to make sure that we are comfortable with the things we are not really happy doing.
Maintaining a sense of comfort is difficult for a lot of people.  For some reason, in order to make others feel good we refrain on telling them how we really feel about a particular issue.  I have learned over the years that waiting to inquire does not really help solve your problem, it does not go away.
The issue just sits there waiting for the next issue to set itself right on top of the last one.  If you really do not get a handle on it, somehow it will topple over and then it will be more difficult to put the pieces of your relationship back together with the person who you believe has harmed you.
If you would have expressed your hurt, anxiety, worry or displeasure at the time of the occurance, possibly, you may have avoided a crisis in a friendship, marriage or business relationship.  No one likes a crisis.  If you deal with it immediately, more than likely the faster the problem will dissipate.  
There is no doubt we will get through this frigid weather and any other issues that we have.  I cannot believe it is March already.  One of my favorite months, as well as, being Women’s History Month, it is also Reading Month.  How fantastic!   
I remember how moving from Brooklyn, N.Y. to Bay Shore, Long Island made me feel so lonely.  The only thing that I had was reading.  I found solace in school library and its long rows with the smell of books surrounding me like a comforter.  I could step into each book and be there with the main character.  There would be no one to tell me about my accent or challenge my intelligence because I was from Brooklyn.  I just loved to read and the library was always full of new adventures to read about.
Both of my children read at least 3 grades above their age group.  I have bookcases filled with books and still refer back to some of my old college text books for the basics.  Reading is fundamental. 
Each year Capital Area District Library supports the national March is Reading Month initiative.  Studies show that children who read and are exposed to the joys of it are more likely to become lifelong learners.  They are partnering with the Early Childhood Literacy Coalition and they will have you and your children’s favorite characters at the library.  Look for visits from Cookie Mouse, Ladybug Girl, Library Mouse, Splat the Cat and Froggy at your local branch.  For a complete schedule, plus information about live stage shows at any CADL location log on to cadl.org/eclc or call.
In other news, I am excited that The New Citizens Press will be receiving a Business Excellence Award.  I am hoping that some of our readers can join us at this event.  The information is below:
The Greater Lansing Area Club of The National Association of Negro Business and Professional Women’s Clubs, Inc. (GLAC-NANBPWC) will celebrate its 32nd Annual Founders’ Day Awards Brunch on Saturday April 5, 2014 at 10:00 am at the Crowne Plaza Lansing West Hotel located at 925 S Creyts Rd, Lansing Charter Township 48917.
To keep in step with its mission and 2014 goals, they have selected “Women Serving with a Purpose” as this year’s theme. GLAC-NANBPWC provides opportunities for women to excel and serve by increasing their leadership skills, experiencing governance and parliamentary procedures and enhancing their educational awareness of issues impacting the African American community through volunteerism.
Traditionally, the Club pays tribute to its founders and honors several Lansing area persons who exhibit a true commitment to the community and their profession. This year recognition will be given to individuals in five principal award categories:
·  Sojourner Truth Award, the highest honor bestowed: Reverend Desirae G. Kelley-Kato
· Frederick Douglass Award, which recognizes a man of distinction: James E. Bibbs
·  Community Service: Melvin S. McWilliams, P.C.
·  Business Excellence Award: The New Citizens Press – Rina Risper
·   Youth on the Move: Kendra McFadden and Stacia King
GLAC’s program souvenir booklet will be dedicated to Trailblazers That We Remember.  Motivationalist, co-founder and managing partner of Roberts & Limbrick  Enterprises, LLC, a Michigan-based educational services consulting company, Miss Marnise ® (S. Marnise Limbrick-Roberts), will be the keynote speaker. 
The 32nd Annual Founders’ Day Awards Brunch, chaired by Renee Freeman and co-chaired by Christina Redmond will feature, “Women in Suits,” a campaign which provides a suit or apparel to disadvantaged women for an interview and who are returning to or entering the workforce. The Club is accepting clothing donations for this campaign.  Clothing items must be laundered, ironed, dry-cleaned or pressed and on hangers, in excellent condition and ready to wear.
 The mission of the organization is to promote and protect the interests of African American business and professional women; to serve as a bridge for young people seeking to enter business and the professions; to improve the quality of life in the local and global communities and to foster good fellowship.
GLAC is pleased to have the sponsorship support of Mayor Virg Bernero, Emergent BioSolutions, DLZ, Jackson National Life, LAFCU, Lansing City Council, Greater Lansing Convention and Visitors Bureau, Marshall Music, DRM Genesis Home Health Care, State Farm Insurance Agent Stacy Lewis, Tetra Tech, Paul Barry and Betty Nixon, Councilperson Carol Wood, Judge Amy Krause, BlackOps by Tarra Price, Wholehearted Living, LLC and Lansing Police Department.
Tickets can be purchased for $30 from any GLAC member or by contacting Doristene Haynes at (517) 323-7823 or doristenehaynes@sbcglobal.net.
It is already an exciting March 2014.  I am so looking forward to the rest of the year.  Please make sure that you read the article about the birds in this current edition.  I know that we print a lot of information about different issues but nothing is ever random.
I watched a show about a farmer in Africa who had his tribesmen take a 5 day trip just to find grass and water because it was so hot and they had eaten all the grass.  I watched also as it took them four hours using buckets to dig deep enough to find water.  I am still thinking about the show and I realized how grateful I am.  One morning as I woke up, I heard the birds chirping.  When I looked outside, all I could see was mounds of snow.  I wondered why I had not thought about putting out bird seed.  I got into a mode where I was so worried about what I was doing and how taxing the snow was on me that I did not think about the environment.   We all have a responsibility to think about the environment.  So please if you can, do something that impacts the environment, even if it is to recycle or put out bird seed.    
Have a spectacular day!
Love People,
Rina Risper