
Excuse me, are you listening? 14-25

 Dear Readers,

Tis’ the season, right?  Well, indeed it is the season of giving.  I often wonder if we showed the gift of gratitude more during the year, if so many people would be grumpy.  I wonder if it is the weather.  However, Michigan has been unseasonably warm.  The best part about the holiday season is that there is so many free events going on.  There are school concerts to enjoy, even if you do not have a child who goes to that school, there is no rule that says that you cannot go to support.  You do pay taxes that fund the schools.  Besides, it gives you warm fuzzies to see how music is impacting our students lives.  After months of practicing, you get to enjoy the results.  
Check out the next play or concert the school close to you is having.
I have realized that being grateful makes me feel good.  When you grow up with a birthday close to Christmas and New Year’s Day, you enjoy the heartwarming gifts that are given, like a simple smile.  I am not sure that I would ever go out on Black Friday to purchase gifts.  It is too much stress for me but I love giving compliments.  
 If you get good service, call the manager or call the 1-800 number to tell them what a great experience you had.  It makes the world go round for that employee especially since more people complain than compliment.  This is not just the season to give thanks to family and friends but to all who seem to touch your life.  The New Citizens Press gave out cards and gifts to our friendly employees at Speedway in Old Town right after Thanksgiving.  The older you get, it is harder to hold on to the idea that giving gifts are important to adults.
Time seems to dictate that being “in the present” is so important.  So if you spend too much money during Christmas, give at another time.
When gift giving we may forget the people we work right next to or the receptionist that handles our calls.  It is important for you to thank people who help you make that quota or gave you a raise.  You may not be in love with your job but that is what brings you in your bread and butter.   
There may also be that co-worker who stays with you every step of the way because they see you are being spread thin.   It could be that person who called to see how you were doing while you were off for medical or death of a loved one.   
Sometimes it could just be telling someone at your job what a great job they are doing or that they look great.  Remember the saying, “If you do not have anything nice to say, do not say anything at all”?  Well some things are better left unsaid.  I know that is hard for some of us but it may allow us to be more peaceful.  Sometimes it is just not about you and recognizing it is more taxing to spread negative gossip at home or work may keep you healthier and happier.
I always say that for every negative bestowed upon a person it take a few positives to dilute it.  Speak positivity and gratitude into the world.
Here are some things that you can do for your co-workers:
1. Make homemade cookies (or you can bring some premade cake or cookies in) and if you have enough time you can individually wrap them and put them on their desks.
2. You can also bring in a bouquet of flowers for the entire office.
3. Get a glass container and put sticky     notes by it.  Encourage people to write what they are grateful for on the them.  Fold it and place it in the container.
Here are some things that you can do for your favorite clients:
1.  Send a note of appreciation by snail mail.  There are some people who still appreciate receiving handwritten notes.
2.  Mark your calendar 3 months from the day that your professional relationship ends just to see how the client or customer is doing.
It does not take much to create and maintain solid relationships with people you interact with day-to-day or those who are just in your space for a project.  It does not take much for you to let someone who provided you with great service to be thoughtful enough to send a note or make a phone call of appreciation.  
I just made a list of people I really enjoyed being around that I had not spoken to in a while and called.  I could not believe how much they appreciated the call.  
Times are tough for people.  It does not cost much to show people that you are appreciative of them.  Make gratitude a normal part of you life in 2016.  Try it.  It will impact your life more than you think.
Love people,
Rina Risper
This article was printed in the December 27, 2015 – January 9, 2016