
Excuse me are you listening? 6-24

Dear Readers,

     Sometimes we forget how much we actually do for others.  Moreso, some forget how much others do for them. 
     I was recently at Olympic Broil on 1320 N. Grand River Ave. in Lansing, MI, having a double hamburger and fries.  I had forgotten that it was there. 
      While interviewing Priscilla Mitchell from Sophisticated Styles, which is right up the street from it, I started thinking more about supporting more small businesses.
     Priscilla and I spoke about giving back to the community through volunteerism.  I mentioned to her that when my son went to Walnut Elementary School, briefly, Olympic Broil was a huge contributor to their events.  That was years ago and Walnut Elementary School is now closed.  Olympic Broil is still open and I had not been there for years.

Did you say thank you?

       My cheeseburger and fries were some of the best that I had in a while.  I had forgotten to appreciate the food that I was nourishing my own body with.  I got great service and my nourishing meal only cost me $2.40.  I was happy and everyone else seemed to be enjoying their meal, especially the young couple that sat 5 booths down.  They had two children with them and they both seemed to be about 6 years old.  It appeared as though the children were not theirs because they didn’t look like either of them.  I thought to myself, “Who are you to be so judgmental?  Your children do not have to look like you either.” 
     I composed my mindset and thought, if they aren’t their children, today at this appointed time the children belong to the couple.
      I watched as the woman allowed one of the little boys the opportunity to ask the cashier for something.   Her eyes were keenly watching him, giving him responsibility but not too much.   At the first sign that the boy was not communicating she jumped up from their table to help.  Which expressed to the boy when you need help, I’ll be there to help you. The man stayed at the table with the other child and smiled the whole time while talking to the second child. 
       When the child and woman returned to the table the man smiled and said, “Did you say thank you?”  Something just that simple made me think about how great the world would be if we all said thank you.  How much are we wrapped up in our own space?  The man pulled the child close and gave him a big kiss on the forehead and said, “Good boy!”
        When the couple left, I smiled and they both smiled back. 
        Being proud of your children’s accomplishments make them strong individuals.  Acknowledging children for being polite will usually result in having polite adults.  It astonishes me how impolite some children are.  Some of this impoliteness results from not rewarding good behavior with love, hugs and kind words.  Some impoliteness comes from bad parenting, which means that it is someone else’s job to teach that those things are important and great behaviors to have.  Other times it’s just the child and when that happens and the parent has done the right things.  For parents who experience this, lease note that you have done everything in your power to raise your child the best that you could.
          So the next time a child in your life says something polite reinforce it by giving him a hug or kind words.  Hey, try it on an adult, you may be providing the only compliment they have received in while.
          As I walked out the door, I told the cashier that the food was great and thanked her.  She smiled and said your welcome.  A week later I brought a friend in to share in my rediscovered find.  In 2008, say thank you more and make a difference by shopping local.


Rina N. Risper

P.S.  Remember to support those who support you.