
Excuse me are you listening? 6-26

    In 2008, we’re revamping the paper.  Thank you to all of the people who have helped us through it.
    It’s been an interesting 6 years.  When I first started the newspaper, local people weren’t too interested in helping me.  I sought out columnists on the internet.  The three internet sites that have been my saviors are www.eurweb.com, www.blackflix.com and www.chistell.com.  I’ve had constant support from California, Colorado and Pennsylvania. 
     I’d also like to thank the  NYU Child Study Center in New York City  and the Southern Poverty Law Center in Alabama. for agreeing to contribute articles.
    The New Citizens Press is all over the country and we’re representing Lansing.
    In an e-mail to our supporters across the nation, I wrote, “I never have to think twice about you and your assistance.  I appreciate it so much.  You’ve been very consistent in my life.  You’ve always had kind things to say.  Bless you in ways that you never dreamed were possible.”
   To think that I started a newspaper and became successful with the help of  people outside of Lansing.  I mean real help from men and women, without wanting anything outrageous in return.
     I’d like to thank the churches who have advertised with us consistently at one time or another.  We thank Trinity AME and the Christian Science Church for supporting us with their advertising dollars.
    For those who ask why we don’t have a church section, I suggest you bring it up to the board or your pastor.  They should advertise their events and churches.  When students, new people and visitors come into town and want to go to a church some call us. I ask them what their religion is and then tell them all of the churches in the area that I know.  Do I know your church?
      Our next edition begins our 7th year.  We thought we might as well start now.  Why wait for anniversaries?  Celebrate it when you feel ready.  I hope  you like the new layout. It’s a labor of love until we get it right.
    Over the years, I’ve met some really wonderful people and some not so wonderful people.  I have met so many people that it’s difficult to remember names, but I never forget a face or a good heart.
     Thank you to Mr. Daryl Parker originally from Boston, MA who has taken a keen interest in TNCP.
     We’d like to thank Tiffany Norwood who was there at the beginning to help me put things in order when I had two babies.
      I’d definitely like to thank my husband, Frank, who has always been a support.  He has lived in Lansing his entire life and knows this community well.  He has interesting input and a memory like an elephant.
    Many people inquire about his absence from our advertisement with the family.  Frank is a quiet, insightful spiritual person who doesn’t care to be involved with the entertainment side of this industry.  He prefers to be a silent partner and we balance each other out.
      I remember mentioning to someone that I thought about having another baby.
With much pity in her voice, she said, “Honey, you already have 3 children out of wedlock, why would you want to do that.  You may be good but you’re not Superwoman.”
     I chuckled and told her that I have been married for 10 years.  I explained that my husband, prefers to be behind the scenes and not in front of the camera.
     I added, “Did you really think that I do all of this by myself?  Without my husband none of this would be possible.”
     Frank’s leisure time involves sports, sports and more sports!!!  I think we have 900 channels and all of the programmed favorites are sports channels. So he keeps busy keeping track of the Detroit Pistons, Sexton High School’s “Big Reds” and the Detroit Lions.
     We plan on being around for a while so keep on reading.  We have some interesting developments coming in the near future.  Our website will be a very good source of information.

Rina N. Risper