
Excuse me are you listening? 8-1

Dear Readers,

Happy 8th Anniversary edition to us!!!  We have completed our survey.  It was interesting finding out what people thought.  I can tell you that our readers are very educated.  Even though most our readers are African-American, The New Citizens Press offers news about our burgeoning multicultural community.  We also offer a wide spectrum of opinions from our novice and experienced writers across the nation and the world. 

Remaining a viable resource for you will be our goal in 2009 and beyond.  During our  8th year, we’ll be bringing you the “Latest in Green Living”.  Throughout the year, we’ll focus on environmental trends and offerings in the home, on the job and in the workplace.  Fresh stories will include features on today’s top hybrid cars, eco-friendly furniture and more.

For those who love to entertain but have been bogged down by economic woes, we’ll be providing you with stories on specific holiday themes such as hosting parties, budgeting for gifts and decorating your home, as well as tips on winterizing you house and other New Year’s resolution tasks during our 8th year.  It’s our gift to you.

We’ll bring you a new puzzle soon, because wait times have become longer and more people are carpooling or taking the bus giving them more time to read.  We need to practice our mind skills too.

The new editions to the newspaper will not be online.  First, we want you to support our growth by picking up the newspaper.  Second, we aren’t licensed to upload as online content.  If you haven’t noticed by now the online version doesn’t include the entire physical paper. 

Our goal is to constantly be on the paradigm shift – trying to find peace in the midst of negativity and controversy.  Sometimes we can’t change who people are.   We should not fear the economy we should be still and study it.  Instead of constantly changing the same issue, try something new.  Right now the economy knows no color, economic status and seems lawless.  We must be the change agents and build each other to the point were we can thrive.

Our leaders who were stubborn and didn’t want to listen are now seeing that “the people” want to hear substance and “the rich people” only have one vote.  It takes many united voices to be heard and felt. 

Stay connected with The New Citizens Press.  Write us and tell us what we are missing.  We want you and have always had our door open and duly request that you reach your full potential.  Impact your world, my world and their world just by giving someone a chance.  We invite you to become a part of us.


Rina N. Risper

P.S.  A woman called and requested a survey.  Unfortunately, I could not hear the entire address.  Please call us back.  Thank you.