
Excuse me, are you Listening? 8-8

Dear Readers,

I want to say thank you to those of you who are supporting my run for City Council At Large.  I want you to know that I am not planning on stopping the production of this newspaper.

For those who expressed concerns about a conflict of interest.  There is none.  People who are on city council right now seem to have more perceived conflicts than I do.

I get a small amount of money from the City and if you are concerned about information, there are others who can use any  information to their benefit or a disservice to another.  So we are all in the same boat.

I met a fireman  today whose name is Barry White (yes, I did make a comment) from Southfield.  He is a fireman and on city council.  Does that create a conflict?  I am open to dialogue.

I am having a great time meeting a lot of people.  I am experiencing the diversity and noticing the similarities.

I saw a man fall off out of his wheelchair downtown in the rain.  I saw a woman with a manual wheelchair who stopped to get a hot dog.

I actually realized that the woman who was riding the bus with a toddler and a baby in a carriage, and a couple of bags of groceries needed to have walkable sidewalks too.

She is just as handicapped.  I am an advocate of those who see things a bit differently. 

This is a new economy we must begin to look at everything differently.  We have to believe that we will have our jobs tomorrow. 

I see many of our local businesses disappearing.  What happens to the knowledge based  folks if they get hurt? What happens to those with dislexia who are looking for jobs but can’t see the keyboard on the new cash register?

Our new green economy needs to be looked at.  Don’t shun it .  Our children will be interested in doing things differently.  Open your mind to change because nothing stays the same for long.  Our world is constantly revolving.  I am just afraid that for some it will just continue to go faster and faster.  Hopefully it will stop at a comfortable place. 

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Rina Risper