
Excuse Me, Are You Listening? 9-24

Dear Readers,

Have you ever been so excited or distracted while cooking that you dropped the one ingredient that was most important to the dish you were making?

The feeling of despair overtakes you as your search for another egg , cup of milk, sugar or flour.  You know that you just dropped it on the floor but you still look.

The issue of having to wipe the broken egg off the counter and put it in the garbage. The task of sweeping the floor that is covered the floor with a a fine mist of flour is daunting.

The feeling of insult to injury washes over you as you walk over to the oven or stove and turn it off. You realize that no matter what you do, the pancakes that you were about to make are not going to magically appear.

You are brooding because you see a mirage of a stack of steaming pancakes before you.

We all experience life’s little failures. It is how we deal with them that matter.

You could gather your entire family and go out to breakfast. You could make a quick trip to the store and pick up the item that you are missing. You could choose to eat something else.  There are so many other options than brooding about what could have been.

In the future, you will make sure that when you are running low on an item that you write in on the list you have posted on your refrigerator.

Things happen in life from the huge disappointments to the small ones.  They impact us and they should be positive.

Changing the manner in which you choose to live your life takes time and only you can do that for yourself.  It may be that you have to pace yourself and not rush through life.

I have made the decision that I will slow down and enjoy what I am doing.  The new year is right around the corner but why should I wait.  Change takes time.  It is difficult to take a self assessment.  It may be that you need someone that you trust to help you through the positive changes that you want to make for yourself.

Life is what you make it.  With every broken egg, spilled cup of milk or dropped cup of flour, there is always an opportunity to clean up the mess and create something better.  Be kinder to yourself.

“There are no mistakes. The events we bring upon ourselves, no matter how unpleasant, are necessary in order to learn what we need to learn; whatever steps we take, they’re necessary to reach the places we’ve chosen to go.” -  Richard Bach quotes (American Writer, author of ‘Jonathan Livingston Seagull’, b.1936)

Love People,

Rina Risper

This article was printed in the December 19, 2010 – January 1,2011 Edition.